Imperial Japanese Unconventional Warfare in Burma- Bo Mogyo

17 days ago

Timeline of Events

Throughout the year: Keiji Suzuki, a Japanese intelligence officer operating under the alias Minami Masuyo, arrives in Yangon and establishes contact with Burmese nationalists.

February: The Minami Kikan, a Japanese secret intelligence organization, is established.
Mid-1941: Aung San and other young nationalists receive military training on Hainan Island with Japanese support.
December: The Burma Independence Army (BIA) is formed in Bangkok, with Suzuki as commander-in-chief and Aung San as chief of staff.
December 8: Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, marking the beginning of the Pacific War.
Early 1942:

Early Months: The BIA, alongside the Japanese 15th Army, enters southern Burma and captures Yangon.
March: Yangon falls to Japanese forces.
Throughout the Year: Tensions rise between the BIA and ethnic minorities, leading to violence and massacres, including the Myaungmya Massacres.
Throughout the Year: Communal violence erupts in Rakhine State between Arakanese Buddhists and Muslims, fueled by the Japanese and British forces.
Throughout the Year: Suzuki encourages the BIA to form their own government and oppose Japan, leading to his recall to Tokyo. Aung San becomes War Minister.

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