perhaps i should rename this channel crazy credentials

5 months ago

my harr is extremely poofy today
it's witch harr is what it is
exploring the other half of the keyboard
i've come to appreciate the way that i play way more
initially i was very embarrassed by this
i am outta my fucking mind, admittingly
i can't see myself ever getting paid for this shit
one of my many appeals: ag is the real deal
i have a stamp of approval from the Lord
you probably won't knock out this so called delusional thinking
any spiritual conviction will be written off as delusion
but what if i was "fighting the patriarchy"
the devil is a pretty crucial part of how this all plays out
if i fixate i'll make it too obvious how much i care
ain't it way cooler to not care
if you want a reward then you ain't doin it for the right reason
how many eyes need to prove that you were there
i got ROMO the reality of missing out
what am i missing out on, dear society
one photo is all you need damnit
pictures hold us captive, this a trick
maybe it's my primitive nature
the whole point of the turn signal is to indicate that you're about to turn not that you're already turning, whatever man WHATEVER
maybe that semi heard my criticism from the back
back in 2005 i wasn't confident enough to do this

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