RWB 43 Martin Sieff

17 days ago

Reality with Bruce de Torres 43 Martin Sieff

Martin Sieff is a senior fellow at the American University in Moscow and former Chief Foreign Correspondent for The Washington Times, Managing Editor, International Affairs for United Press International, and UPI's chief news analyst for 10 years.

He has written many books, including CYCLES OF CHANGE, a political history of the United States from Thomas Jefferson to Barack Obama. His seminars on American and World History can be found on YouTube, on the channel: Rising Tide Foundation. And Martin has received three Pulitzer Prize nominations for International Reporting.

We discuss:

MIDNIGHT, his August 29, 2024, post at (“The Doomsday Clock of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists - a crucial barometer and guide in helping preserve the survival of the human race - has now been set at 90 seconds to Midnight since January 2023, the closest setting to Midnight - defined as the outbreak of thermonuclear war - it has ever been.”)

The threat level is absolute now. Martin has never been doomer or gloomer. Washington and London leaders are monstrous little creatures provoking nuclear war with Russia, possibly within a month. At the UN next week Zelenskyy will beg Biden to permit Britain to allow Ukraine to use weapons that could strike deep in Russia, a red line that Putin says, if crossed, will cause Russia to respond with overwhelming force.

Great Britain will descend into civil war within the year. They have major riots in major cities around the country.

Who’s in charge of the US government? Nobody. Biden is ga-ga. We saw that in the debate. “Death is in charge of the clattering train,” said Winston Churchill in 1938 about Europe’s ominous trends. The US toppled Ukraine’s democracy in 2014 and installed a regime that provoked Russia’s attack in 2022.

Our deep state is out of control. Seventeen-plus intelligence agencies have no real Congressional oversight. [Do they compete to see who can more outrageously assault the sensibilities of the American people? Do they show off for each other by having mind-controlled people shoot at or threaten Trump?]

Bruce said he’s waiting till November to make up his mind. [I could never vote for Harris. I could vote for someone else – Trump isn’t the only other candidate – or stay home. -Bruce]

A la 1984 by George Orwell, language has been inverted. Everything is the opposite of what we are told. Per Martin’s book, CYCLES OF CHANGE, every 80 years the US has a major crisis that convulses the country and nearly tears it apart. America was born in a crisis, the Revolution. Then the Civil War. Then the Great Depression and World War 2. And now.

Since the W. Bush presidency [we’ve had the police state erected with the USA Patriot Act and the Department of Homeland Security and unbelievable surveillance and other violations of our civil and constitutional rights]. Louisiana’s Huey Long said fascism could come to America, but it would come under the guise of anti-fascism.

[Fascism has been here for years. It’s the merger of state and corporate power. “In Nazi Germany, the state took over the corporations. In America, corporations have taken over the state. The result is the same.” -The late, great author Jim Marrs]

Is RFK Jr competent? Is he an asset to Trump? Is Trump repulsive? Or just made to seem so by the media?

Regarding the nuclear threat, read Edward Lozansky and Peter Kuznick on See interviews with Douglas Macgregor, military historian and retired commander. The works of Jeffrey Sachs and Dr. Helen Caldicott.

The clattering train driven by death is the result of business as usual by the military-industrial-media-political complex, the momentum of decades.

Martin says that the new REAGAN movie is astonishingly accurate about events that Martin covered as a journalist.

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