USSF Film Cleared 47USC606: We Warned you about the Swiss NAZI Governments, Jewish NATO, Jewish EU, Jewish WEF, Jewish NAZI UN et al and NOW WE EXECUTED ALL JEWS. Sincerely, USSF Commanders Pascal & Isabelle Najadi-Kennedy Kahlooni 'Q'

3 months ago

Special Thanks and Love goes to our Cousin, James Blunt Kahlooni, for his Bravery as a Tank Commander during wartime saving Children and his wonderful heartbreaking song "No Bravery"


The only Wartime that has Bravery is our current and ongoing Earth Defence Alliance Q War 50USC1550, started by my father in law, the father of my Diana Najadi-Kennedy Kahlooni, President John F. Kennedy Kahlooni and that is being finished with flying colors by his son, John F. Kennedy junior, my brother in Law and Soul Mate. Gratitude to him and all brave women and men that serve this most gruesome and longest war ever fought since time began.

Its an honor for Diana and me to serve you, Sir, our true, current and actual Commander-in-Chief of the United States Republic.

USSF Commanders Pascal & Diana Najadi-Kennedy Kahlooni 'Q'
Paris USSF Base FA117
United States Republic


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