Diddy and the baby oil

5 months ago

Maybe you haven't heard, but they're reporting that 1000 bottles of baby oil were seized at Diddy's house. Yeah, you read that correctly. Among other items (we'll talk about some) that say that Diddy had 1000 bottles of baby oil. We have talk about that. Here's comedian Michael Loftus of The Loftus Party website with: Diddy and the baby oil. We won't get into all the other charges and stuff. This is just a comedian reacting to someone owning that much baby oil. This is a topic that need to be delved into and joked about. There is always something to laugh about and Sean Combs... P Diddy... Diddy having all that baby oil feels like a good thing to joke about. So we did. Thanks for being here!
#diddy #funny #gutfeld
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