114.Surah An-Naas

21 days ago

Surah An-Naas (Chapter 114 of the Qur'an) is the last chapter in the Qur'an and consists of 6 verses. It is classified as a Meccan surah, meaning it was revealed during the early period of the Prophet Muhammad's prophethood, while he was still in Mecca.

Themes and Meanings:
Surah An-Naas is a prayer for protection and refuge in Allah (God) from the evil of external forces, particularly from the whisperings of Satan (Shaytan) and other harmful influences. The chapter emphasizes the importance of seeking Allah's help against both visible and hidden dangers, especially those that affect the heart and mind.

Breakdown of the Verses:
Verse 1: "Say, 'I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,'"

This verse establishes Allah as the protector and the one to whom humans must turn for refuge.
Verse 2: "The King of mankind,"

Allah is the ultimate ruler and sovereign over all of humanity.
Verse 3: "The God of mankind,"

Allah is the only deity worthy of worship, and it is to Him alone that people should turn for protection.
Verse 4: "From the evil of the whisperer who withdraws,"

This refers to Satan, who constantly whispers evil thoughts into the hearts of humans but withdraws when people seek refuge in Allah.
Verse 5: "Who whispers in the hearts of mankind,"

The whispering of Satan and other malevolent forces occurs in the hearts, which is where human decision-making and emotions are influenced.
Verse 6: "Among jinn and among mankind."

The harmful influences come from both jinn (supernatural beings) and human beings, making the need for divine protection universal.

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