Ukraine Under Nazi Custody For Almost 100 Years - Part 3 - (Black Sun info & links in description)

18 days ago

(Note the Black Sun symbol in Gene’s thumbnail. Back in 2019 I had a premonition of this symbol that reminded me of a crop circle pattern, where I researched until I found the exact symbol, for I had no idea what that symbol was then. Check out my researched ‘The Black Sun’ info and links below the video credits if you are interested. Thanks, Marcum)

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Hitler's greedy grab for Ukraine and the Nazi domination of Ukraine that has now lasted for almost 100 years. Crimea was at the heart of the Nazi occupation (Ahnenerbe) and we show in Ukraine Under Nazi Custody for Almost 100 Years Parts 3 & 4 decodes that human trafficking, mind control (Lebensborn) and the underground Nazi empire were centered in Ukraine and the former Soviet Union respectively. ...And it continues to this day.
~ by sanrata, Blessed For Service
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My “Black Sun” symbol 2019 premonition. The following Situation Update video for reference.
SITUATION UPDATE 11/23/23 (Related info and links in description)

(Note: At 1:01:20 [The Black Sun]. I spoke many times about my visual premonition I had of the Black Sun symbol (2019). Through my research I came to the conclusion that it refers to the negative alien agenda that controlled or actually were the NAZIs. I also believe that the Vatican has been infiltrated by the Illuminati/Freemasons and Francis was installed. This is the first time I heard that the Vatican is under even deeper control from the Black Sun organization itself.

Benjamin Fulford at 1:01:20 states, "It is interesting to see the Elon Musk of X or Twitter has started coming out more and more against the Khazarian mafia in a more and more open way. And I've heard that he (Musk) is now the frontman for the BLACK SUN organization. They control the Vatican and they control a large part of the US Pentagon and military, and they were the ones who were responsible for a lot of what Hitler did. And so they're very powerful and dangerous people, and right now they are on the warpath against the Khazarian mafia."

This is very interesting and significant because I had this Black Sun visual premonition during an aura migraine episode, that just happen to occur just before my Saturday evening mass where I play and cantor as a Parish musician. Also, what a coincidence that mass was the last one I played at before being laid off from attending mass because of the new COVID restrictions back in 2019. You can't make this $hit up. Kerry Cassidy in a recent interview mentions that as there is this Great Awakening where humanity will slowly activate hidden gifts, abilities and specifically, pre-cognitive ability. She states that she was born a natural pre-cog. In my case, I guess, along with many others we were simply wakened up earlier to help wake up the others. I am like driven by a mission and this Black Sun premonition thing was by no accident or random coincident.
In 2019 I had absolutely no idea what this Black Sun image was or what it represented. Secondly, aura migraines typically produce random organic patterns, NOT complex intelligent or 100% symmetrical patterns. Thirdly, I came to the conclusion that the visual phenomenon one would see in your visual sight is actually coming from your pineal grand as I now conclude your eyes and your pineal gland are connected (the same way I am seeing the 12 chakra colours during sun gazing). I believe through some long-term effect to decalcify my pineal gland all these things might be happening as I awaken or my pineal gland is slowly activating. So, researching this Black Sun topic and the strange timing of everything, not only is the Black Sun connected to the NAA, the COVID depopulation agenda, NAZI Black Suns involved with the Ukraine war/Israel war, child trafficking and adrenochrome, but the timing of the premonition steers me to conclude that the Vatican itself is controlled by the Black Suns.
Fourthly, I believe that our so-called junk DNA is being activated, because I have awakened in the middle of the night only to view strange symbols, unknown heliograph text, patterns etc. in my field of view morphing in and out, but very distinct, yet I am in total darkness in my bedroom. Again, intelligent patterns and not of a random organic nature and I also contribute to my pineal gland. All this phenomenon is connected and can be referred to or best described as a kundalini awakening or interpreted by Gene Decode as the actual Holy Spirit force, as crazy as that sounds. I wasn’t dabbling into some occult magic or Hinduism, it just happened. Remember, all religions hold some common elements of truth. The Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity of God. How else is anyone going to recognize the infiltration and deception of our present pope and Vatican or COVID scam if it isn’t through God or through the help of the Holy Spirit itself? For the sake of humanity, current child trafficking/adrenochrome and sake of our children’s future we better wake up fast and actually see our reality and deception for what it is.

For those skeptical of these so-called chakras or unseen energy points in the human body. I now have my twelfth chakra activated because I see a gold colour above my crown chakra. Do you know that chakras are biblical. Do you remember Pentecost or reference to the 12 fruits in the book of Revelation? The 12th chakra looks like a golden star. Sometimes it is called the “Soul Star.” When a person becomes spiritually more mature, the golden star evolves into a golden pearl, a golden ball, a golden bud, or a golden flame. When it is activated, in Christian terminology it is called the Pentecostal Fire. (Acts 2:1-4) What do think happens when a group of people have their twelfth energy point just above their head fully activated? Also referenced in Revelation, “The tree of life, which bears twelve manner of fruits…” (Revelation 22:2). That do you think the twelve fruits are? Marcum

Now Benjamin Fulford is stating that fact,
“the BLACK SUN organization control the Vatican and they control a large part of the US Pentagon and military.” As these revelations keep coming at least I know I am not losing my mind with all these crazy things happening to me since 2019, however we are also coming to the realization on the level of control against humanity, the hideous crimes against children, endless cycles of senseless wars, the level of hatred and control these NAA/NAZI/BlackSuns have against humans and ultimately how God, truth and our endowed free-will in the image of God will defeat the evil. Darkness dispels in the light; truth defeats the lies and deception. Satan’s mission and deception all along was to convince us that both he and evil don’t exist as their deceptions were hidden in systematic secret. Now they are exposed and have nowhere to hide.
Another component to this Black Sun issue is the actual sun itself. It isn’t yellowish as I remember as a child (Mandela Effect?). It has been pure white light that I noticed at least the past ten years since 2012. Now when I look past the glare of the pure white light, the sun is actually, black (dark grey). Gene Decode speaks of this phenomenon as well as some others as a transitional 4D realm some of us are finding themselves. I assume those awakening in transition from 3D to this so-called 5D realm or Q-term, ‘ascension’. As a Catholic, I interpret this as merely the promised coming of the new heaven and new earth. That’s right, even though I am extremely critical of the present Vatican and pope, I am Catholic (or Christian) and it is not I who wishes to leave the church, but rather the infiltrated evil demonic psychopathic satanists that must be exposed and totally removed from the original church of Christ founded by Jesus Christ himself. I am talking about the early forefathers and original Christianity of the early church before it was infiltrated by these NAA/NAZI/BlackSun entities. The church will be protected and those past martyrs and sacrificed children will be avenged and did not die in vain.
When I visited Rome and my father’s home town back in 2012, as beautiful and impressive as the Catholic basilicas were, I was mostly taken back of the catacombs just outside the walls of Rome. We visited St. Callixtus on the right of the Appian Way, after the church of "Quo Vadis?". They originated about the middle of the second century and are part of a cemeterial complex which occupies an area of 90 acres, with a network of galleries about 12 miles long, in four levels, more than twenty meters deep. In it were buried tens of martyrs, 16 popes and very many Christians. Basically, sacked by barbarians (Goths and Longobards) invading Italy, through the passage of time I viewed the reopened catacombs and viewed family tombs with frescoes can be dated to the beginning of the III century and represent symbolically the sacraments of Baptism and of the Eucharist and the official burial place of nine popes. These early persecuted Christians and martyrs did not die in vain, nor did probably countless ancestors. The rot, filth and evil that infiltrated the church will be exposed and removed and the perpetrators of crimes against children. See related links below for reference to The Black Sun and Adrenochrome. Pray! Marcum


Black Sun Draconian Agenda

Adrenochrome - Mind Control -v1.pdf

Mandela Effect Links.pdf’

The Greatest Human SECRET 🤯

Pope Francis urges people to get vaccinated against Covid-19
Pope Francis launches a powerful appeal for people to get vaccinated with approved Covid-19 vaccines, calling it “an act of love.”

Heretic Pope Francis and the Illuminati Freemason Globalist Depopulation Agenda -V4.pdf

BISHOP ATHANASIUS SCHNEIDER: “It is Your Catholic Duty To Resist Heretic Popes!”
(Note: Especially a pope that wants billions of us to suffer, die or alter our God-given DNA to save a planet from a fake climate change agenda. Time to wake up. Pray! Marcum)

Bishop Schneider Responds to Archbishop Viganò On Papal Legitimacy
(Note: I enjoyed hearing Bishop Schneider's perspective, but the only explanation that makes sense to me (or actually fits) is 1) Pope Francis is following a planned (NWO) agenda, 2) the theory of an inter-dimensional invading negative reptilian alien species that inherently are controlled 100% by demons (original fallen angels). Since at least the second world war, added technologies including clones has complicated the situation and accelerated the NWO agenda. Now the demon-controlled cabal can infiltrate and manifest within our physical realm by slowly taking over world leadership and control. Presently, over 90% of the world leadership, Hollywood celebrities and organized religions are penetrated by an agenda and controlled by either a clone, synthetic robotoid, a shape-shifting reptilian or a 100% demon possessed human that sold their soul. I still believe the Vatican conclave that voted in Francis was totally through a nefarious (NWO/Illuminati) agenda. The cabal or the demons are shirking responsibility and finding insidious means to hijack and in 100% contempt of our human free-will. When one realizes the NWO/WEF/Commie demonic agenda of global genocide, one that Francis is onboard, it is pointless and useless to take the superficial argument that the conclave and election of pope Francis is legitimate because it is based on human rules and it is acceptable to tolerate his heretical agenda until another pope is elected. One MUST be awake and see the underlying agenda, where nutjobs running our planet are now over 90%, actually are 100% demonic and in 100% contempt of our freewill and future as a species. These demonic entities are after our children and want us dead, dead, dead with a remaining slave population under 100% control to serve the elite (demon possessed and want to live forever through merging with technology). We cannot simply wait or hope that our next pope will turn this around, especially when over 90% of world elections are fixed (fake or clone Biden/Trudeau). Even the opposition parties (or Cardinals) have been penetrated by these demons in a fixed game of politics with (RINOs - In Name Only traitors). Time to wake up. When people finally wake up to this reality, hopefully before it is too late, it is no joke that 99% of the people will end up in the hospital from shock. So, I can see why the Q-plan must be implemented slowly and carefully as the enemy self-destructs. A lot of the plan must be done behind the scenes and outside of the controlled MSM. Jesus already won the battle, conquering death and showing us how to conquer these demons. Trust God, trust the plan. Be not afraid. Pray! (Do not comply to the NWO agenda!) I speak from my own experiences, from childhood molestation (point of demonic attachment), sleep paralysis (demons), a 2019 demonic attack, awakening and ultimately a total break from a lifetime demonic attachment that I didn’t know existed while growing up. So, I know first hand this $hit-show is real. I am asked to pray for Francis, what if there isn’t any actual human soul in there, would that count? Marcum)

One of my childhood dream premonitions is of the moon with past and future timelines. I also am an amateur astronomer with a 8”CGT telescope, most likely spurred on from these dreams and interest in SciFi all my life. I believe the earth is a globe and the moon landings were real (Q-posts confirm these facts). See following video for reference.

Warning! What if the moon isn’t what we’ve been taught it is? CHECKMATE!

(Note: In my childhood I’ve had recurring premonition dreams of the moon in a past lifetime and of a future event. Both past and future events have to do with the moon artificially moving from its natural position and orbit. Both events trigger panic among the general public. In my mind this explains the moon is artificial and can be controlled. Controlled by who, and why was I triggered (on a subconscious level) when I heard of this doomsday scenario and all the COVID event leading to the recent mandates? The pieces seem to fit together as I am compelled to warn people (just as Q warned) – “protect your DNA”. Why? These negative reptilian demonic entities have used humanity and obviously need our DNA and our physical bodies to exist and control our realm. They desire total possession of our physical bodies and the ultimate goal of our souls to do this. They prey mostly on children because of their stronger life-force. It would make sense that through technology and the merging of man and machine, they can escape their prison realm and live within our hacked bodies through total possession and control.
Do not comply to any of these DNA altering mRNA injections. I believe that, through intervention and the grace of God, enough of humanity was awake to avert this catastrophe and foil the plans of the cabal within this devious Great Reset plan. I also believe these psychopathic nutcases won’t go quietly with a loss. Their hatred of us, certainly our God Creator and their hatred of themselves projected onto us would warrant this DOOMSDAY scenario where they would take everything with them in their ultimate destruction. My premonition dream of the future event of the moon crashing into the earth now makes sense in light of recent revelations with the ultimate collapse of the cabal and prompting me now to write. My premonition dream was just that, a premonition, not the actual destruction of earth, but a foretelling or glimpse of what the cabal had in mind. I believe there was a recent predictive programming movie that had something to do with the moon crashing.
During demonic attacks through sleep paralysis these demonic entities attack our minds to induce fear and loosh energy. There is an unavoidable consequence to this mind-melt, if you will. I got a glimpse of this evil demonic hive-mind both from my childhood nightmare experiences, that somehow triggered past suppressed memories, and unwittingly their evil present/future plans. This was enhanced through this “mind-melt” experience during a 2019 demonic attack. I cannot explain in words the endless depth of darkness, hopelessness, despair and absolute hatred for humans and God that these entities have that I temporarily had to share thoughts and endure during these demonic attacks, but strangely I somehow picked up hidden knowledge perhaps at a subconscious or subliminal level? The same tricks the cabal uses on us with predictive programming to subconsciously control future events and our collective reality to what they want, I was able to predicatively tap into their plans.
So, I have strong suggestions to interpret my future premonition moon dream as future plans these demonic had as a doomsday weapon to ultimately destroy all humanity if all failed from their evil perspective. The point to this info is just to let you know that this doomsday scenario, though potentially real in my mind, was averted in this present timeline. The White-hats are in control. Also, the COVID jab scenario was averted as well, as many of us were awake to warn the others. We simply continue to; NOT COMPLY TO THE JABS or the GREAT RESET. If you were already jabbed, as my wife was coerced into two shots, do not comply to any further shot or any mandates of any kind. If the moon is artificial, I am sure Space Force will now be in control. There is also no accident that I have a keen interest in astronomy, lived through all the moon landings, I agree with Q that the moon landings were real just as the moon is real, the earth is a globe and the reality of secret space programs and Space Force. The only doomsday is for the cabal itself and its minions. I am sure McAfee helped make it so with all the intel he had. Thanks for your patience, writing my thoughts helps me cope with all this insanity. Peace and love. Marcum)

Sleep Paralysis, Loosh Energy, Predictive Programming, Adrenochome, Reptilians, Demons, Smocking, Frazzledrip, Courts of Heaven and all related info and links.pdf


(Note: This is a different perspective into childhood “sleep paralysis” in a topic I previously posted based from my own experiences into this phenomenon. This alien perspective makes sense to me because I believe actual demons (fallen angels) are using these negative alien interdimensional entities as a host medium and means to enter our physical realm to feed off us humans. This energy is called “loosh”. These demons can also possess or enter a human clone or a soul scalped person. When these demons are in physical form within a human host, loosh energy is generally taken from children as they are traumatized in a ritual called, “smocking”, where they (Satanic Occultists) dress up in distorted animal costumes to terrify and maximize fear in a child to draw this loosh energy or a ritual sacrifice to extract adrenochrome from the victim’s blood. In my personal childhood sleep paralysis episodes, demons victimize a child by means of a nightmare or perhaps the nightmare is the result of a demon being present near the sleeping child. Being too terrified to remember specifics of the nightmare, subconsciously and subsequent clues made it a certainty that some kind of creature or creatures were terrifying me during my nightmares as a child where then I would suddenly awaken in a state of total fear paralysis and cold, usually with bed covers totally off the bed. These creatures manifested within my childhood nightmares is another form of “smocking”. Whether in a physical satanic smocking ritual or these demons manifesting in horrific creature/monster forms in a nightmare the smocking and extraction of loosh energy is the same thing, all caused by demons. When you know evil and demons actually exist, it makes it so much easier to believe extra-terrestrials exist, both positive and negative. I firmly believe that these negative type aliens, biological units (Greys) or these so-called shapeshifting interdimensional reptilians can be possessed by demons. In other words, demons are behind all of this and these are all examples of them using physical mediums to exist and control our physical realm. I believe that because the demonic presence is strongest through these physical mediums fear paralysis is used for control and drawing this loosh energy from the victim. The purest form (loosh) is from a child and these soulless demonic psychopaths will certainly try every opportunity to seek out victims, including using controllable negative aliens to attack our children and us. In the same way demons are using the controllable elite of this world who sold their souls in all these despicable acts done to children in systematic secret. The secrets presently being exposed, hidden by the complicit MSM in cahoots with these demonic psychopath elites that want ultimate control over us in their sick NWO/WEF/Illuminati/Commie depopulation agenda and a controllable post-jab human/cyborg 2.0 slave population. Please see related links below. Pray! Thanks for tolerating another one of my rants. Marcum)
Sleep Paralysis, Loosh Energy, Predictive Programming, Adrenochome, Reptilians, Demons, Smocking, Frazzledrip, Courts of Heaven and all related info and links.pdf

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