Apatros Review Ep-0104: Blood Sabbath [1972] (More Like "Boob Sabbath"!)

5 months ago

AR-0104: An early 1970s example of occultism, mixed in with some "Hey, Man!" stoner-grade psychedelia for good measure, this has Anthony Geary [yep, that bloke from "General Hospital"] play a bummed-out Vietnam Vet who stumbles onto an old war between a lovely [to him at least] water nymph and a nearby coven of witches who like to do their daily business entirely in their birthday suits. Oh, and they are led by none other than Dyanne Thorne [Ilsa, She Wolf of The SS herself, a short while before THAT role]!

Having a plot thinner than the thong panties your local strippers tend to wear, this dumb flick is just an excuse to showcase as much 70s boobs, buns and bush as possible, so much so you're going to be exhausted ogling the nudity on screen.

Seemed to be a popular choice for public domain DVD labels in the far-distant year of 2005...

My Grade: D+ [Disappointing]

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