John Chapter 8, Ye Are of Your Father the Devil - Deciphered

4 months ago

The Creator is real friends and Brother Marty here is actually deciphering the
Bible using the "signs" the Creator left us...those in the Heavens!

The Creator exists, not actually a debatable fact at this point in the Great Awakening/Revealing. That math is apparent throughout Creation is also verifiable within such things as the Fibonacci Sequence observable within nature.
The Creator is communicating with us...through math.
The Bible says the lights in the sky were put there "for signs".
What does a sign do but direct your actions?
This Church is NOT for the weak minded nor those who cannot think

Yes, Brother Marty calls out the "jews"; that word wasn't even in the Bible originally. There IS a certain group who are running ALL the evil things happening within the Christian World. Perhaps they are pretending to be observant jews and hiding within and lying to them also? Possible?

There is to much evidence from unadulterated historical references, archaeological (elongated skulls), haplotype groups and the Bible itself that calls out these creatures as satan being their father.

Brother Marty brings the receipts and connects the Bible narrative with the stars placement in the Heavens folks.

Yes, there are many parrots out there negating on Gnosticism, ask yourself why and do some study before jumping on that band wagon. There are so many people pushing lies they have been told, like the spinning ball earth! lolz

Again, this content will not appeal to those who cannot retain and learn new information. Afraid many, many people have lost that ability for several reasons.
If you do take the time to study what this man is sharing, you WILL learn some facts about our Creator that are mathematically based!
2 + 2 STILL equals 4!


PS - ALL politics is kabuki theatre. Stop watching and research your Creator.
Some day, we are all called home. Are you ready?

The Gnostic Church And Academy Of Lord Jesus Christ

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