Ichabod! The Spirit Has Departed

5 months ago

The demise of the christian church was ensured when unknown early theologians created a new book of works by early apostles, and institutionalized it by committee, as the final authority of all spiritual truth.

This abomination has spawned centuries of desolation and worldwide religious disaster.

J.C. said that it was good he was going away so that the Spirit of Truth would come, that it will lead us into all truth.

He did not say, “It is good that I go away, so that theologians can compile a new testament about me that will replace the Spirit of Truth.

He did not say, “The Holy Spirit will be with you for a short while, but soon you will have a book to study to find truth, and the Spirit will leave.”

The new testament contains many important truths but its letter kills. Ichabod is the Hebrew name which means “Where is the glory?” 2000 years of the church of Ichabod is enough.

The Pentecostal and charismatic movements could have been a step in the right direction, of restoring the fullness of the Spirit to the church, but it too was of course perverted by the religious into a farce of bizarre ways of acting out the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Without a hint of irony, the theologians took away the spirit of the word, the same error for which J.C. lambasted the pharisees of his day.

Paul attested to the result of this desolation, at the end of his entire ministry, that he only had one person that cared for the interests of Christ.

The upshot is that what J.C. accomplished in Spirit is still being ripped off and cut off by, guess who, the theologians.

The full power of the Spirit, and the Source of Truth that J.C. spoke of evaporated over time, as evidenced by the entirety of church history.

What would John the Baptist say about today's church?

“The ax is laid to the root of the tree.”

...and the Spirit of Truth has now been restored to her proper place, revealing all things directly and privately.

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