WTFR The Pushback 18-09-2024

4 months ago

Joss is joined by Colin, who has consistently not been suicidal for weeks now, & that doesn't look like it's going to change any time soon. Good thing.

Leo brought a nice picture to show everyone in this weeks "show & tell." He showed us a copy of a magazine with a nice picture of beach huts, & lots of white lines in the sky above on the front cover. Something to do with the government wanting to kill us all or something.

Chris#2 also had a "show & tell" for the purpose of debunking Leo's theory that the earth is flat. He gave his thoughts on the partial eclipse, & shared some interesting facts about H. G. Wells & War OF The Worlds, having stared at the sky for a couple of hours the night before.

Emma got out her crystal ball (metaphorically) & informed us all that it's eclipse season, & that it's a good time for new beginnings, but perhaps don't look at any eclipses as they're very powerful or something. On Monday, Venus is going into Scorpio, which means something.

Welp, hope you enjoy it, we all do.

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