CCP Views Law as a Sword Against Opponents and a Shield to Protect Its Own Interests

5 months ago

09/19/2024 Ranking member Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi testified at a hearing on 'How the CCP Uses the Law to Silence Critics and Enforce Its Rule':The CCP views the law as a sword to use against its opponents and a shield to protect its interests. Chinese companies in the U.S. would claim to be protected by sovereign immunity, yet CCP-backed companies sanctioned by the U.S. government can sue the U.S. government in U.S. courts.
#China #CCP #SelectCommitteeonCCP #Lawfare
09/19/2024 国会议员Raja Krishnamoorthi在众议院“中共法律超限战”听证会上表示,中共将法律视为攻击对手的利剑,同时也是保护自身利益的盾牌。在美中国公司会主张其受主权豁免权保护,然而被美国政府制裁的中共支持的公司却可以在美国法院起诉美国政府。
#中国 #中共 #中共问题特设委员会 #法律超限战

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