Del Bigtree: "This COVID vaccine is dangerous for children. Far more dangerous than the virus. 9/24

22 days ago

Del Bigtree: "This COVID vaccine is dangerous for children. Far more dangerous than the virus itself. Yet the CDC is now recommending 2 or 3 shots before child's even 6 months old. It'd probably be mandated before school in the future depending on what state you're in. How bad does a mistake have to be before you finally admit you're wrong, before you stop killing and wounding and injuring children in the United States of America. Folks, we don't live in Venezuela, we're not in North Korea right now, we're not in the Soviet Union, we're in the United States of America and our government is knowingly poisoning and destroying the lives of our children, when the evidence is right in front of them. Why? I have to assume for this exact reason. That to admit that we probably shouldn't give this vaccine to any more kids would be to admit that it should never have been given at all. And once you do that, what are the lawsuits, what are the repercussions for all the politicians that said things: "This is not about your freedom, this is about protecting people." At what point did you know you weren't protecting people? Those are the questions that are being asked and still a cover up is going on. Our government is killing our children. That's a fact and they know it. And now what do we do about it?"

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