9/21/2024 Occupying the Home-land

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Damn the family, full speed ahead - Hour #1 10:00 am till 11:00
Give me your town or I’ll call you a selfish racist. Welcome to Springfield Ohio in Clark County which with the help of Federal, State and Local officials is now officially a city occupied by the Island of Haiti. BJ speaks with resident and Republican Party leader Laura Rosenberger and we’re not going to be talking about ducks, geese and cats but we will be talking about the assail on Springfield families.
Condemning the fathers - Hr #2 11:00 till noon
Speaking of families, a God hating judge just sentenced a fire and brimstone preacher, father and grandfather to prison for inciting peaceful protestors to overthrow police on January 6th, 2021. The Judge noted that this religious and apparent hypnotic zealot (my words) actually convinced innocent bystanders and now brainwashed believers to push against police barricades during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. And for that Pastor, Bill Dunfee is now in the Washington DC gulag looking to spend 2 and half years in prison. God only knows what the judge would have done if he found our lawfare victim pastor had actually spit on the sidewalk as well.

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