History of Reiki

5 months ago

Here we go over the history of Reiki, from the founder Mikao Usui, to Dr. Hayashi who plays a pivotal role in the progress and development of Reiki and then Mrs. Takata who is responsible for bringing Reiki to the United States and spreading it throughout the West. I also give you a logic breakdown as to the possible reason why that Mrs. Takata may have felt the need to change some of the elements of Reiki. Due to some of the Japanese traditions and language barrier it took some time before some of this information was cleared up, but eventually we found out more information. Who knows there may yet still be more information to unfold for us.


Quest, Penelope. Reiki for Life: The Complete Guide to Reiki Practice for Level 1, 2 and 3. (TarcherPerigee an imprint of Penguin Randomhouse: New York, NY, 2002, 2012, 2016.)

Rand, William Lee. Reiki: The Healing Touch: First and Second Degree Manual. (Vision Publications: Southfield, MI, 1991, 2000, 2008)

Intro: 00:00 - 1:42
Dr. Mikao Usui: 1:43 -10:51
Three Levels of Reiki: 10:52 - 12:46
Back to Dr. Usui: 12:47- 14:33
Dr. Chujiro Hayashi: 14:44 - 16:00
Mrs. Hawayo Takata: 16:01-22:08
Modern Reiki: 22:09 - 26:37
Historical Discussion: 26:38 - 37:11

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