Christian Esoteric Gnostic Knews and Views | WHO IN HELL IS GOG & MAGOG pt 2

4 months ago

If you have not perused Part 1
Please review WHO IN HELL IS GOG & MAGOG p1

Remote Viewing
Dick Alger
Civil Unrest

So we’re looking at facing the Armies of Gog and Magog in the near future and on our own shores.

We are told in scripture, right at the end of our present age; Gog and Magog will come out of the North, with their intention to desiccate Israel.

It is also interesting that Sweden is North of Israel, which is the home of Davos, the World Economic Council, World Health Organization, and the home of the Fourth Reich.

Coming out of the North. Some allude to an area around the Black Sea, Georgia Russia.
What we now call Ukraine. The reason the Roos are implicated is this area is usually associated with Southern Russia. A group, who are the spawn of Gog, who are a particularly vile evil, spitting worm.

Reese Reports

A side note, Stalin was a Georgian and as ruthless and bloodthirsty as any who joined forces with the Communist ideology.

And just as important, when is Gog and Magog in Bible prophecy.

There are two primary portions of scripture which point to these characters and how they will influence our history books in the future.

Ezekiel 38-39

Revelation 20:7-8

These two characters Magog and Gog are the son and grandson of Japheth.
They fell in with the wrong crowd, so to speak, and became Adrenochrome aficionado addicts. Vampires! This propensity, in history, has played out again and again.

Japeth, one of sons of Noah
Genesis 10:2

Vampires Playing A Role
Time and Time and Time Again
I make no such representations as to the veracity of this video.

The oldest of the oldest DEMON is yet alive, he is not anyone you’ve ever heard of either.

The DEMONS are writhing in wroth.

Wringing their bloody slimy claws together.

Beating their chest until their lungs sound as billions of bellowing drums mingled with the screams from the scarifying of these poor mind slaves.

The entire lot of the ‘Cains’ thirteen bloodlines have been destroyed by the Son of Man. . .

Nearly all, but not everyone, of the bloodline families is wiped off the face of the Earth.

Magog and his Prince Gog have been bidding their time. And as is the privilege and practice of vampires.

Placed behind a strong spiritual wall by Melchizedek, who some attest to be the preincarnate Christ. (A bodily manifestation of the Christ before the incarnation of Jesus).

A figure in Biblical history, when Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek; because he was the greater.

[[ Remember my commentary, of the scripture, is within the double brackets.]]

Hebrews 7:1-10
1 For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, met Abraham as he returned from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him,

[[Returning from the bloody-slaughter of the (Cains) Kings is just that, a war, in a previous age.
Plainly said; I believe once we learn our true history will bear the Bible out by finding Gog and Magog have risen before to to battle with humanity.
They will arise from it’s ashes two more times; like a Phoenix, one of their occult symbols. ]]

2 and Abraham gave him a tenth of all [the spoil]. He is, first of all, by the translation of his name, king of righteousness, and then he is also king of Salem, which means king of peace.

[[Why would Abraham give Melchizedek 1/10th of his spoils.
In some way Melchizedek, was able to bring down fire upon their heads.]]

[[Listen to what Paul says from Jewish history, about this character Melchizedek.
Please forgive Paul, he’s an attorney , for he is forever building a legal case. He goes on to tell us the pedigree of Melchizedek.]]

3 Without [[a]any record of] father or mother, nor ancestral line, without [any record of] beginning of days (birth) nor ending of life (death), but having been made like the Son of God, he remains a priest without interruption and without successor.

[[So this business about Jesus having children by two different Mary’s is nothing more than an open door to multiple partners. Nudge. Nudge. He is a Nazarite. We can talk about that some day.]]

Islamic tradition talks about worms coming out of the top of their head. Or worms coming out of neck which kills the creation of Gog and Magog.
What does the Orc look like?

The Bible doesn’t tell us that there are Orcs.
Then, what do others say of these helpers of these two pillars of wicked

What Do Gog and Magog look like?'s_Species
Don’t take it for the gospel truth.
Just someone who is working with the knowledge they have; I thought it was an ingenious depiction and description of what Gog and Magog

It is as if, the closer we come to the events of the prophecy of Ezekiel; the next event to occur, is in view - certainty within our lifetime.

What I have a problem with is, why; in God’s Holy Name would someone want to reopen a portal to let Satan back into a holy place called the Golden Age.

It was said; Alister Crowley set out to be wickedest man alive. To draw Satan into his life.

Some say it was the reverberation of setting of the Atomic Bomb that brought the demons out of their lair.

Others, CERN setting off vibrations throughout the tuning fork of frequencies that opened dimensional vortex of Earth to every demonic gateway.

Lastly, Alister Crowley raped and satanically sacrificed as many 200 boys in1946 to draw Satan into this present age.

Every War is a Satanic ritualistic slaughter. In World War Two the United States lost 400,000 men and women and ten times that in damaged people.

Out of Order Pie Chart

The world fared much worse with a minimum of 70 to 85 million people from 1937 to 1945. Not counting the people who died through the realignment of the nations from 1946-2016.

Rosh and Tubal
We know that Israel is not the innocent party, as represented in Ezekiel 38. They are cunning and spiteful.

Rosh and Tubal is an alliance between Ukraine and Turkey.
Currently Turkey is affiliated with Russia by becoming a BRICS nation.

The Battle breaks out
Ezekiel 38:14
Unsure if its an illusionary war, a kinetic war or a spiritual-information war. A war that strikes at very heart of being a spiritual man a spiritual woman. 5G, 6G, watts next.
Maybe a war that is a combination of all four aspects of war.

We see conflict and equally God’s intervention.

Son of Man, in this context, is one who prophesies against the Cabal, Gog and Magog.

I’m beginning to see, in many contexts, the Son of Man is the man who has had his right ear dipped in the sacrificial blood.

“God wants his representative to be wholly consecrated to him. Ear, hand, and food entail a certain symbolism.
God’s man or woman must LISTEN to his word, DO what he wills, and GO where he sends.
The oil signifies consecration; the blood, cleansing from sin so that this consecration is possible.”

Son of Man Prophesying

This is a spiritual information war

Reese Report
Major Roos Escalation

Biblical 38 39
Post millennial (end of Golden Age and also
Just Prior to to the Resurrection

Daniel 9:27

Jeremiah 29:11



Remarkable Prediction

The moment they leave Lord of the Rings

From Islamic Tradition
He sounds as if he is describing Melchizedek wandering the land. Melchizedek builds a wall in ancient times but at the appointed time Allah will allow it to be broken down.
0.11.57 is he talking about the Arctic Ice Wall?
0.18.37 very corrupt people
1,000,000,000 Muslims times 999 Gog Magog = 9,900,900,900|9billion +

Band of Brothers Battle of the Bulge
Here they come 9 to 1

Bible Prophecy
Biblical teachings that have survived 1000 years. Is it true?
Explanation of 2 advents of Gog and Magog
Mentions the Millennial Kingdom and how some will live outside the gate for 1000 years
Jewish view

Numbers 24:7
The first part is a picture of the Christ
Agag should be interpreted Gog

Nuclear War Imminent
Alex Jones
Lord Nathan Rothschild
The Shapeshifter

Your Host

•••••••Beginning Soon

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