Cedar Fork Season 2 Episode 1: Homecoming

5 months ago

Cedar Fork Season 2 Episode 1: Homecoming is a 2023
Adult Animated Film Directed by Rod Westheider it is
The First Episode of The Second Season in Cedar Fork it
stars Rod Westheider Jacob Fletcher Fatswiss Emily
O'Connell Marty Henderson reprising Their roles
alongside with New Cast Members Morgan Siekbert
James Westheider (Rod's Brother)
Jimmy Micheal (Rod Westheider) meets a Girl Morgan
Siekbert (Morgan Siekbert) and the two became a
couple as well as going to the homecoming dance
meanwhile Timmy Fletcher (Jacob Fletcher) is dealing
with a bully named Rob (James Westheider) and Actor
Fred Savage (Jacob Fletcher)
Voice Cast
Rod Westheider as Allen Micheal/Jimmy Micheal,
Brandon Micheal/Kimberly Groves
Jacob Fletcher as Josh Fletcher/Timmy Fletcher/Kevin
Fletcher/Fred Savage
Fattswiss as Theme Song Guy
Emily O'Connell as Kelly Groves
Morgan Siekbert as Morgan Siekbert
James Westheider as Rob/Police Officer
Marty Henderson as Chef

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