How do you make Bible reading easier?

18 hours ago

Our passion and joy are to help women deepen their relationship with Jesus and apply God’s Word to their lives. We want to see you take your relationship with the Lord to the next level by helping you apply biblical insight and godly wisdom to your life. 📖✨

🌟 The Journey to Understanding: With each post we make, podcast we record, course we create and book we publish, it is our prayer that you will be encouraged to read your Bible, understand what it says, and apply it to your life. Our greatest heart’s desire is for God’s Word to transform your heart and mind so you too can discover and live out real, live faith!

🛠️ How to Gain Greater Insight:

Ask Questions: Don’t be afraid to explore the ‘why’ and ‘how’ behind Scripture verses.
Use Study Tools: Commentaries, dictionaries, and study guides can illuminate complex passages.
Join a Group: Discussing Scripture with others can open your eyes to new perspectives and insights.

👉 Ready to Dive Deeper? Share what you read last, and let’s embark on this journey to greater wisdom together.

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