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FlyOver Conservatives-Prophecies- CONVERGENCE - INFLECTION POINT - NEW AMERICAN PARTY -Captions
Alright, so what are the prophets saying? Well, I'm going to start with Oasis Church. Tim Sheetz is the pastor there but this week Jen Tringle was filling in. She was there last week as well. So, this is from August the 11th 2thousand twenty-four. I received this from a couple of the contributors from the Flyover Conservatives saying you've got to check this out. Unbelievable sermon but also dreams that she had that was really powerful. It was about something she already experienced in her life that the lord brought back to where we are today and what God is offering us as the body of Christ. Check this out. Well, last week, I had the honor and privilege of being here with you all at the Oasis and I shared a message out of the book of Isaiah that really coincided with a vision that the lord had given me and that message was titled rivers in the Badlands and it came from this this vision that God had given me of this this mighty rushing river. This was not a trickle. This this wasn't a creek. This was a rushing river and so out of this prophetic picture came some understanding that God gave us about what God is doing in the Earth and we said that there's a tremendous amount of movement in the earth right now. We all feel it. We can sense it. We can see the signs of it even but that river is really prophetically symbolic of not only what God's doing but what God is doing through you and I that he is sending us carriers of his river into the bad lands. It was interesting because over the course of this past week, I heard from so many people across the country, even around the world at many leaders who shared that they too have been picking up and having God speak to them and and in that, they keep seeing a river, a rushing river and so, it just seems that God is using the symbolism of this to awaken and alert us, his people into what he is doing. Well, on Thursday morning of this week, I awoke to a new vision and this time, it was a vision of multiple rivers, multiple rushing rivers and they were coming from all different directions rushing forward and meeting together or converging in the same place. When they did this, the meeting of these individual rivers created what I would describe what I saw as a super river. This river was with such power and force. It was it was jaw dropping. Rivers have always been significant in God's kingdom. Both literally but also symbolically and I believe that this is a picture of what God has been speaking. Pastor Tim has spoken to this for a while now about us living in the convergence of the ages. How many of you have heard him speak to that? The word converge just for this morning's message is defined as when things move toward a common point and then come together. Much like you and I did today, we all left our homes. We came from different points but we came to converge or meet here this morning. In Pastor Tim's book, The New Era of Glory, The Convergence of the Ages. He said this, we are living in a time of what he described as a great convergence as all moves of God are joining into one mighty river of glory to be released through the body of Christ to the world so knowing that we are living in the now of God's promises we must understand then that we are living in the right now of our destiny which means this a lot of convergence is meant to be taking shape in our lives A lot of things that God had set in motion in you and in your life for some time are meant to be converging or coming into their now or coming in to their moment. So, there is something about the river of his movement that is spurring us on. I believe in this time of great convergence and God's in the earth and in your life. While he's redeeming the streams of our life, God is also redeeming the time. And the truth is we're in need of this, aren't we? Our God who sits above time, think of this, has gone through all of time and fashioned destiny moments for our lives. We could say convergences. There are convergences that God has been marching you toward ever since you took your first breath. He's been marching you toward divine appointments. Uh divine relationships, opportunities, ideas, open doors, and connections and right in the midst of this march toward his destiny convergences in your life, the enemy of your soul will throw you a curve ball. Life will throw you some curve balls. Why? To get you off pace and out of sync and off track. And yet all of us sitting here this morning and watching today understand that you cannot live in this world without having life throw some curve balls your way. The enemy doesn't know your divine timing. He's not all knowing. He likes to lie like he does but he does not know. He's not all all sufficient but he the kingdom of darkness senses when the kingdom of heaven is moving toward its convergences and when it senses the timing for something of God whether it's on the world stage or in your life sensing that the enemy will sort of enforce throw everything in the kitchen sink at you. Why? Because he doesn't know where or what or how or where it's coming from but he senses that you are approaching one of destiny's convergence moments, one of destiny's doors. We see this through the word of God when it was time for God's people, the children of Israel in the Old Testament. To move and step into a convergence moment and God was raising up Moses to lead the charge, the kingdom of dark didn't know it was Moses. He didn't know who it was. The kingdom of darkness didn't know where it was coming and so enforcing his everything in the kitchen sink strategy, he then moved upon the heart of an evil dictator ahead of a nation whose name was Pharaoh to enforce a worldwide genocide to wipe out all the firstborn males at that time. Why? We don't know Where it's coming but we we sense it's coming. He tried it again when it was time for the birth of Jesus. Oh my, a convergence of the ages like the world had never seen and creation had been waiting on the coming Messiah and the kingdom of darkness since this convergence moment but not knowing who and not knowing exactly where and not knowing exactly when again he moved on the heart of an evil dictator to kill all the first born but both times he failed. I want to say to you this morning that life may have thrown you some curve balls and the enemy of your soul might have made repeated place for you trying to get you off track but I want to point out to you this morning, you're still here. You're still here. He failed. He couldn't do it. You say, well, I took some hits. Yeah, you might have taken some hits and I've taken some too but we're still here because the plot of the enemy's plan was to take you out entirely and he failed and if he could do it, don't you know he would've by now? Amen. If he could do it, don't you know he would've removed you from the earth? The fact that You and I are here this morning points out his failure as Pastor Tim loves to call him the forever loser. Just yesterday morning, I awoke from what I realized was a prophetic dream. And it was an interesting kind of dream because I dreamed an event from my own life that had happened years ago. And I realized when I awoke that it was a prophetic dream because it's a peculiar thing to dream something that actually happened to you but when I awoke from the dream, God immediately began to speak to me. The dream was from years ago and I had just finished Bible College. I had graduated and I was moving across country to take a ministry assignment. And I had packed my my little Toyota Corolla. I had a silver Toyota Corolla that I called Milo because it got low mileage. And I had that Toyota Corolla just packed to the gills with just about everything I owned at the time and so, I'm in a transition place going to a ministry assignment, a convergence moment you could say and about an hour into my trip, right when I was in the middle of nowhere, my car broke down Milo was not going any further. This was of course pre-cellphone days. I know some of you younger ones can't even fathom it. And so about 45 minutes or so went by and a policeman came by and saw that I was broken down picked me up and took me to a gas station not too far from there. From there I called my friend from something called a pay phone. You can Google it. Younger ones. And I called my friend and I I told her what happened and she came to get me but she was thoughtful enough to pick up a friend of ours who happened to be an auto mechanic and so when they arrived about an hour later, my mechanic friend looked at the car and said, Jen, your timing belt broke. Well, you have to understand is a a young girl and I can't profess that it's much different now. He might as well have said to me, your flux capacitor broke. I had no idea what that meant but I I learned at that time and if since learned that the timing belt does its name is used in in a simple term to synchronize the pistons and the part so that the pistons hit at the right time and your engine can function properly. All you guys can correct me on that later. So, he said, Jen, your timing belt broke. He said, I can fix it but the problem is that my my shop is an hour and a half from here and so this is going to be a really expensive tow. So, we piled into his truck there at the gas station, my friend, and and my mechanic and we were getting ready to pull out and all of a sudden, the spirit of the lord rose up on the inside of me and spoke to me and he said, don't move. Don't move. He said, I am bringing you help. It was so awkward to have to rise up and poke my voice out there and so thankful for my friends who had left the middle of their day to come help me and I said, guys, I know this sounds crazy but I feel like God just spoke to me and said, don't wait or don't move, wait because I am sending you help. Well, they were sweet and kind enough to be encouraging and wait with me the first five, ten, 15 minutes and then it started to get really awkward in the cab of that truck. We reached 20 minutes. I started wondering myself. You ever wondered, did you really hear from God? And in about 25 minutes, as my mechanic friend was clearly getting irritated, suddenly, a tow truck pulled into the gas station. He pulled up right in front of us and parked at a gas pump and when I looked at it, I remember thinking that driver looks like he might be a member of the band ZZ Top. All of a sudden, my mechanic friend shouted out, hey, I know that guy. He jumped out of the truck and he went over to talk to him and when he returned, this is what he said. Well, woman of God, I guess God's got your back. He said, that man is a friend of mine and his auto shop is about 15 minutes from where we are right now and it just so happens that he has your specific timing belt part in stock in his shop. Amen. Now, yesterday morning when I woke up from dreaming this dream of this whole instance that it happened to me. The voice of the lord came to me crystal clear and he said, I'm installing my timing belt in my people's lives. I'm redeeming and I'm restoring time to them. I heard the Lord speak to my heart to tell many of you that are here and watching you are not past the point of no return that he is the redeemer and the restorer of times gone by. Opportunities lost. Time where maybe we got sideline from one of life's curve balls. Places where we have experienced delay because of attacks of the enemy that came at us when it seemed like Everything in the kitchen sink was being thrown at us. God said, I already knew it was coming and I made provision to redeem and to restore your time and so this morning, he says, I'm setting you up for the convergence of the ages and it's hitting your life body of Christ, get ready. He is redeeming your time. Oh my gosh. Isn't that such an awesome story? I love it. I was sitting here thinking, oh man, I don't know. If I had people waiting, if I was just waiting to be one thing, if I had other people waiting, I may be like, Heavenly Father we pray for this amber alert in Jesus name. Pray protection over this person. We just say that God that you would show them exactly where they are. They find them in the return to the rightful parent. And God we just pray protection over them in Jesus name. Um so anyway as I was listening to it thinking I don't know. I might sit there and be like you guys could go ahead and go. I'll just stay. I'm not sure what I would have done but staying. And then obviously the friend the mechanic needed to be there so that he could that guy as the right person. So, God is so good. I love that story. I wanted to go back to she she was talking about rivers and she was saying obviously that was her message from last week coming into this week but several people contacted her in leadership saying, God has been showing me rivers as well. I'd be curious if but God has been showing you rivers. Put it in the comments if God's been showing you rivers as well but I also in today's prophetic report, the last prophetic word of the day is from Diana Larkin on August the 9th 2000 twenty-fourand in that prophetic word the lord says you will rest by my river of life so even in today's prophetic report we have another river that God is highlighting I wanted to also talk about this God has fashioned destiny moments or convergences in our lives we are approaching destiny's convergence and then the lord says I'm installing my timing belt in my people's lives. I'm redeeming and restoring time to them and so should be a a major encouragement for all of us that God has us. He's putting his timing belt within us and he is restoring and redeeming our timeline and our destiny. I want to now take you to The Prophetic Report. com. This is from Lana Vosser. Lana's out of Australia. I've read her prophetic words on here a few times a video a few times. This was in Elijah list coming out on August the ninth two thousand twenty-four and it's called a great rearranging in August. So, we hear about this convergence that God was saying in our destiny. Now, God through Lana is saying a great rearranging in August and this is what he said. Recently, I heard the lord say, in August, arise. Move from your holding position. I am a shuffling. I saw a shuffling and a shaking taking place. Things were beginning to move and be removed by the hand of God and I saw many who were in the wings of waiting. As we moved into August, I saw an August rush of his fierce wind blow and it began to shake and shift things. Suddenly, those who were in the wings of waiting were being called upon. I then heard the Lord say, do not be perturbed by what your eyes see in August. For great shall be the moving and the shaking. Great shall be the rearranging. Hear my word to you. Look not to what is being shaken in August but look to what is being rearranged in August. For I am going to uproot, expose, and uncover in August to bring a further alignment in the lives of my people. It's my divine order. It's my divine I'm going to expose in deeper ways ways alignments that are hindering assignments in August and you must pay attention to my voice. You must pay attention to where I am leading and what I am revealing and you must be prepared to move with the rearranging that I will do by my hand. It's time to step up. I say unto you that in August, you will be called upon to step into places that I have been preparing you for. When doors open and the whistle blows, you must move at my command. Let not fear or intimidation stop you from stepping into where I am calling you to move into. Know that I have prepared you for such a time as this. I am speaking to many of you about rearranging that is coming by my hand and so as it happens, I will not take you by surprise. There will be a supernatural Placement and appointment happening all at the same time in August. It's time to step up and to engage in all that I'm speaking and doing and to move at the motion of my hand. New avenues and new assignments. For there will be a sudden turn for there will be sudden turns that will take place in August. There will be a new avenues that will open up in August. There will be branching out in the new avenues by my hand in August. Where many of you will begin to move into new assignments to bring forth the greater divine order that I am bringing forth in this hour. For many of you have been in the secret place with me. Carrying divine intel and discernment of things where I have been revealing and showing you the things to come. Much of these things will begin to manifest in August. You must not be carried away by emotion as these things begin to be revealed and removed as these things begin to be moved and shaken. But know that I am making room for my divine order to come forth. I am clearing, shaking, moving, and shifting for a greater outpouring of my spirit. I am bringing forth my divine order. In August, watch as I will call you to ascend into greater insight in your assignments. I am going to further clarify assignments in this hour and you will see many pieces come together in August. There will be a great convergence, there we go, of things that I have been revealing to you and where I am calling you to arise and stand and you will begin to see this convergence bring a further clarity to you in what I am calling you to do and step into. On-the-job training. For many of you, there will be on-the-job training in August as you step into these new avenues. You will be, you've been prepared for this time but you must rely upon my spirit and my training and leading in moving and operating in these new ways with me. For many will look at the avenues in August and be intimidated by their unfamiliarity but I say unto you, remember, I am with you. I have called you and you have been anointed for this hour. In August, you will arrive and no longer be pushed aside where many of you have felt you have been pushed aside. In August you will arrive at some divine appointments that I have for you to move you into new assignments that are before you. Watch for new expressions of God's divine order. Watch for new expressions in August. Birth out of my heart. Watch as divine order is manifested into greater ways as my expressions and original designs and blueprints begin to manifest in greater ways. In areas where there have been things built on sand and things that have been out of alignment. Can you hear the sound of the thundering of my divine order being established in the earth. August will see an acceleration of alignment of my design, my divine order. I am bringing it into beginning. I'm bringing it into being and bringing it into path, into pass. It's time for the revealing of what is built upon me as the rock of the ages. The shifting of structures will take will take place in August and beyond to make room for an outpouring of my spirit. Watch closely to see the areas that I suddenly realign. Engage. Pay attention to the blueprints and instructions. Hear what I am speaking to you my people. As August brings a greater acceleration of divine order. Do not be slow to move and on the realignments. Make sure to engage with my realignments. Make sure to move with my assignments and the establishing of my divine order. Don't get caught up in your own understanding but follow me closely. Proverbs three five through six. Much of what I am realigning and bringing order to in August and beyond will position you for what I will do in 5785, which is the Jewish New Year that's coming up. Pay attention to the blueprints and the instructions that released to you and will unfold to you in August. For these blueprints and instructions are my wisdom and my leading to help you in the rearranging that will take place. For in the blueprints and the instructions will come the avenues for the new and unexplored places that I am leading you into. Wow. How exciting is that? So Heavenly Father we just ask let us be bold. Let us be someone that When you give us instruction, we don't have to completely understand it but God, we just know that the Holy Spirit's within us. Give us wisdom and insight and that we walk forth in courage and boldness. God, let us sanctify ourselves. Set our self apart because we know that you're going to do amazing things among us. Let us hear your voice very clearly and just be obedient to what you are calling us to do. Thank you for the gifts and the talents and the anointing that you have put into us for such a time as this. We receive the assignment and we walk forward In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Alright now we're going to still stay on this whole thing of this convergence of what God is doing right now and I'm going to take you now to Dutch Sheets. This is so fun because I was actually listening to another video today preparing. Dutch sheets was not at that time on the docket for anything that that I had planned to listen to and it went on the Dutch Sheets and I felt like the Lord said listen. So I listen and I was like, oh my gosh, this goes right along with the prophetic report and within a couple of minutes, my sister ends up texting it to me and within a couple of minutes, Terry Strange ends up texting it to me. So, I now three times. Myself, obviously, God shown it to me. My sister and Terry had all talked about the stutch sheets video and this is from August the 14th 2000 twenty-fourand it's Gina Goldston which we've talked about before and I've played things on the show from Gina and It's called The Fast Forward Button and it's talking about this is the turning point for our country. Check this out. Hello, thank you for joining me today for Give Him fifteen. I received the following word from our friend, Gina Goldston. Thought it was a good follow up to yesterday's post. Hang in there, Holy Spirit is moving in ways we cannot yet see. Gina's title is The Fast Forward Button. Recently I felt a sudden urgency in my spirit and heard the Lord say another push in prayer will be required in the days ahead. I'm calling my watchmen warriors to go up again. Gina says while I do not yet know everything that will necessitate this push in prayer I strongly felt the Lord was instructing me to encourage intercessors he is saying to us arise and regain your footing stand in a readiness to advance lift up your hands ascend and enter into my presence hear and declare my word my verdict and my will. The past season has left many in a state of weariness Gina says and hope deferred. But I heard the Lord saying and again she prophesied. Quote this is a divine moment. Don't be entrapped by your emotions. Don't relax your stand on what I've said. My word stands. Do not allow weariness to rob you of your due season. Don't lose hope. And don't discard your courage. Shake off distractions. Shake off disappointment. Remember my word. Do not doubt it. And she speaks again her own words. The Lord reminded me of a vision I had a few years ago in which he revealed the necessity of focus and undaunted resolve to keep moving forward with him. In the vision I saw a line of people moving toward something. They were working as they moved. The something in quotes the something they were moving towards seemed to be far away. Some to get weary. They stopped where they were built a house. The others kept moving. But eventually some of them got weary and they stopped. The rest kept going. They reached a point where even though the thing they were moving toward still seemed far away it was as if a fast forward button had been pushed and they were just suddenly there. Then the Lord said, after she saw the vision, many have grown weary while waiting for my promises to be fulfilled. Because I didn't move in their timing. They thought I wasn't moving at all. They have grown weary, built their own thing to compensate for my thing. Sadly, they stopped short. But to those have continued to to advance and remain focused on me, I say you are coming into a fast forward season. And I am anointing your feet to run forward. All you have done in the past as you have obeyed me even when you didn't understand has led you to this moment and prepared you for this fast forward launching. And though it will unfold quickly in the days ahead it is not a new thing it's the fulfillment of an old promise that you kept moving toward because you refused to settle isn't that awesome lord continues it was a promise for a time now is that time and you will see that for which you've believed this is a launching into the greater glory. As you arise in agreement with and obedience to my word, transformation will be unavoidable. Of the prophetic word and she speaks again. Intercessors, be encouraged. Your labor has not been in vain. Your cooperation with Holy Spirit in past seasons and in this season matters. His call is a call to the wall. So we take our place as watchmen. We set our faces like flint toward him We're not moved by what we see happening around us. It's temporary. There is a turning in the works. We believe and declare the promises of our righteous king Jesus as his ambassadors. We set our words in agreement with his word and his will. We are assured that he will work through our obedience and fervent prayers to establish his intentions for our times. Yes, we see the distress that our nation is currently is in currently. We are not given to fear or despair. We're given to fervent prayer, she says. We rise with the confident knowing that God is with us and that he will strengthen us She says, I feel that God is saying, I'm taking things to another level. Remain steadfast that you post and watch as Holy Spirit and the host of heaven work through and with your prayers and declarations to set things in motion. There's a swift movement coming. It's quite a phrase. There's a swift movement coming but I prepared you as my rapid responders. As you remain focused and alert. You will receive the importation of my wisdom, plans, and strategies as you align yourselves with me through your obedience. My word will be released to activate and accomplish the fulfillment of my purposes and intentions for this time. So Gina concludes by saying there is another push in prayer coming. And the alert watchmen will now rise with the readiness to advance. Doing so with wisdom and understanding of the will and purposes of God. We come before him to hear his mind and counsel. And we will pray and declare the things on his heart. As we align our expectations, prayers, and decrees with his will They will not and they won't. They will not return to him without results. They will accomplish all that God desires and achieve every purpose for which he sends them. Amen. And let's pray with Gina. Father, we hear your call to stand as watchmen on the wall of this nation. We're honored to work with you in spirit-led prayer. Though the past season has been difficult. We have not nor will we relent and our position of faith in you. We refuse to yield to evil and surrender our posts. We shake off weariness and distractions and take our steadfast stand as your watchmen on the wall. Thank you for healing us physically mentally emotionally spiritually so that with renewed focus and strength we can rise to finish what you've started through us We trust you father. We won't be afraid. You are our strength and our defense and you're our salvation. Your favor is upon us and you will establish the work of our hands. You, oh lord, will satisfy us with your mercy. We will rejoice and be glad for we shall see the performance of those things that you have said and shown to us in prayer. With your words in our mouths, we will declare your will and word and you will watch over those words to perform them. You are anointing our feet to run with you in this fast forward season and we will remain alert and focused. We do not look at the things which are seen but into the realm of the spirit. We take hold with you and you with us as we declare your will and word as watchmen intercessors. We rise with you and we believe that you will work through us to strengthen this nation again. America will revive Heal. Rise and reform as the nation you birthed her to be. Amen. And the final decree in this next push of prayer. We will arise as Yahweh's watchmen as Yahweh's watchmen warriors to declare his promises. As we set our words in agreement with his word. Holy Spirit will work through us to establish his intentions for the time. Amen. Okay, one thing I wanted to highlight from that prayer that was so powerful is the last line of it and you can actually go to Give Him fifteen. com to get to get the written word there from Gina as well as the prayer but the last part there says, America will revive, heal, rise, and reform as the nation you birthed her to be. We receive that in Jesus name. I also want to highlight the part that I talked about at the beginning. So, this The show's called Convergence, Inflection Point, a New American Party. I'm so excited about the show. It's it's so awesome what God is doing. So we've been talking about convergence that kind of ran into obviously we heard it from Jen. Heard it again through the written prophetic word from Lana and then it flows right into this word from Gina but then also Gina's going to take us to this next section of Inflection Point and God said through there, there is a turning in the works and if you guys remember at the intelligence briefing back in July with Elijah's Dreams, David and I were hosting it and Robin Bullock was there. He talked about God gave him this word inflection point and then Biden said it again, Inflection Point. Um we're going to play a portion of that again so that you can hear it but then it's so cool. The bullocks are traveling right now and so three people that I Adore. They are part of Church International, Kayla and Matt Bonds and then Katie Mullins. They came together to do something they called prophetic connections. Robin had asked them to do it and they kind of dial in and share some graphs on this inflection point. What it looks like in our country and where we are today. So, we're going to play a portion of that. We're going to come back and dig in a little bit more to this turning point that God is saying is happening in our country right now. So, it's Robin Bullock and then eleven hour. Check this out. Kingdom was broken to two parts. One where he had a mind and one where he lost it and his presidential seal fell off his pole but a David was brought on the scene. What nobody realized, they stepped into a time of two kings. It's just like during this time of two kings, Saul went to see a witch. Well, during the time of two kings, a witch comes on fox and throws out tarot cards. Saul stand the his javelin in his hand and he throws it at David and David just moved. Saul neglects his borders. He spends all of his effort and all of his time trying to destroy David. Anything that threatened Israel, David was on the scene because David was the king. He's consulted by everybody. He ends up leading the army. He ends up leading everything but yet he has no crown. So, he's he recognizes the timeline of two kings. So, what was it a month before that it showed that I'm I'm standing on stage and then the lord said, you're at an inflection point. I said, we're at an inflection point. That's all I know to do. God can make you sound super intelligent. This is the inflection point of time. This is when it either turns you don't want to know the other. It either turns in this time or it will spiral to hell. Yeah. And we've got all we need to win. We've got the Holy Ghost, the word, the name, that's right. The Bible, and we have these. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Well how what what was it? Four weeks later or something? Six weeks later. Suddenly Biden is going to resign I mean from the race. Right. Suddenly he's going to drop out and he says we're at an inflection point. I've made it clear that I believe America's at an inflection point. One of those rare moments in history when the decisions we make now will determine fate of our nation and the world for decades to come. America's going to have to choose between moving forward or backward. Really? Yeah. We're at an inflection point. But he said we have to go forward or backward. But the Lord didn't tell me that. He said you're at an inflection point and you have to turn it. Well, an inflection point means that to curve it. So, you the lord says you're going to have to turn this thing. But the inflection point is what? You have to ask yourself, what is the point? Well, Satan sees to change times and laws. So, the inflection point is we've rendezvous right here at this time that he seeks to take that timeline of the two kings. The only way to do it is get rid of David. If he can't get rid of David, he can't change the time of two kings. It's inevitable that it happens. But he's got to change the time. So he thinks to change that timeline. Constantly. He thinks to change time. Time is to change time. What what's this? He came to steal, to kill, and to destroy. He came to steal a timeline. Kill anything will stand in his way and then destroy a destiny. Well, the lord showed something in 21 when everybody was even wondering who was the king. He told the whole answer. So, the enemy thinks to change this timeline and the only way to change it is get rid of David. Now, what happens if he could get rid of him? We don't know. That didn't happen. See, he would have rewritten destiny and trapped everybody in one time and for the first time, he gets ahead of the light if he can steal the time. Uh real quick, if you are just tuning in with us, we are doing a special program today on the 11th hour. This is called Prophetic Connections. This is not taking the place of the 11th hour. The Bullock family is traveling today and so next week, the 11th hour will resume as normal. So, this is just something that prophet asked us to do to come in and just to kind of dig deeper into some prophecies that have been given. So, the first one that we're going to talk about is the inflection point prophecy that we just saw. Now, that was given June the ninth at our rooftop conference. Yes. And I think something that you know, is is so cool about the way God works in prophetic words is you know, God speaks through the prophets but it doesn't mean they necessarily you know, prophet Robin doesn't he didn't know what an inflection point was or the the magnitude of that and the weight that was carrying behind that word. You know, he even was like, I don't even know really what this means but we're at an inflection point. Yeah, most people probably didn't realize. Right. Right and the definition that was given that day was one like for the word inflection but when we started digging into inflection point, I think that's super cool like let's let's talk about what an inflection point is. Okay. Well, inflection point, there's there's two definitions but in mathematics, it's a point of a curve at which a change in the direction of curvature occurs. Mm hmm. So, you know, it's the beginning of a curve. If you're coming out of a curve going into another curve is the point at which that curve begins. Right. Okay. Um there's another one that's in business. It says, a time of significant change in a situation, a turning point. Wow. So, you know. Which turning point The word that came from the Lord said you have to turn. We have to turn this. Yes. You know and so that we know our job. You know and as we talk through this today there was another word that came out of instruction and so we're going to play that a little bit later but I I just picked that up as you said that. He said or the definition says turning point. Well the the word of the Lord was we have to turn. Yeah. Well that goes back to he is the head. We're the body. Yeah. I mean The body is what we go out and do if we'll do what he says. Right. Yeah. It's really that simple. You do what the lord says to do obedience and well, let's talk about this graph. We have a graph. Okay, yeah. Katie, if you could put this graph up for us, real quick for everybody. Um you know, on this graph, there's different inflection points and then you can see there's a there's a bigger point at the end but this just a simple graph to kind of to show you know the change to changes but in two thousand eight, we have as far as our it's like a governmental timeline is how I look at it but in two thousand eight, Obama, he becomes president. Well, you know, he serves two terms which is eight years and you know, during his time at the beginning, it started out good but then, you know, by the end, we started veering off away from righteousness and that's what I just talked about but you know, things like same-sex marriage came up. Mm hmm. You know, abortion rights became a big deal, you know, and Then really for the first time we talk about the border. People coming through our borders for the first time. That was when it all all began. So you know we start veering away from righteousness and that's kind of like why I made the point earlier of what's going on but in 2016 you know Trump becomes president. Mm hmm. Now we start to you know he's like our David. He starts to turn things back to righteousness. So you know he served one term which is for years and during that time you know he secured the borders back the best that he could you know but a big deal was the Abraham Accord in the Middle East that was a peace deal that hadn't been able to be done ever another thing that he did was he moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem which that is recognizing Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel which a lot of people do not recognize Israel as the capital city so that was that was saying you know here in America we represent Jerusalem as the capital city. Yeah. Now we get to 2020 when Biden takes office. Um during this time for a lack of better term he steals the momentum. Yeah. You know and during this time while he's president we we know what's going on. You know our border was a mess. Now all of a sudden we've got you know men dressed as women going around having Bible stories, reading Bible stories to kids. Yes. It's just we've got so far from righteousness has been a really big deal right now. It's just we're going so far away from and it seems like it's just rapidly going away from righteousness like this is warp speed. Yeah. Away from righteousness. So right now you can tell 20 twenty-four has a bigger. Well. this is the inflection point that we're talking about. Yeah. And as you can see Can go one or two directions. Right. It can either go down which you heard in the prophecy we don't want to know where we go if we go down or we can turn this thing. Yeah. And you know it's like a boat. You know we have to you can't just on a big ship. You just turn the wheel. It doesn't just it doesn't just react. Mm hmm. You know it takes time but you know we have to as the body. We have to turn this. Mm hmm. We have to do our job. We have to turn the thing back to righteousness or you know it's just like the parallel that I read before like we don't know how long did it take Israel to get back to where they are now. Yeah. You know we don't know how long it would take America to get back to where to back to where it is now. So we're in a we're in a big big inflection point and we have to do our job. We have to. Okay so that's interesting that inflection point again that's meaning turning point is what that means. Um and Matt there, we as the body have to turn this. I want to go back to that Gina Goldston word from Given fifteen and the Lord said through through her, his call is a call to the wall. So, we take our place as watchmen. We set our faces like Flint toward him. We are not moved by what we see happening around us. It's temporary. There is a turning in the works. So, God is saying, we are an Point and it's our job. It's our job to turn this. That's why I'm wearing my fight fight shirt. Uh Trump 20 twenty-four. The reason for this is think about President Trump. Think about what happened that day of the assassination attempt. I mean he is on the ground. Think about I mean because there could have been another shooter. They didn't they didn't know what was going on at the time and he comes up and he's like fight. Fight. Fight. I mean that has how we have to be we have to have it just ugh we fighting. We are not going to bow down. We are continuing to push through. That's how we have to be and this is just a reminder for me. God is also making sure I'm wearing my fearless necklace. So, you know, several, I think it was like a year and a half ago. We were selling fearless necklaces on flyover conservatives and then the manufacturer didn't make em any longer. That's why they're not available any longer on our site. We should look Avery to see if we can do this again somehow make sure see if we can do the fearless necklace. I feel God is calling us you have a fearless necklace and you haven't worn it for a while, I feel like God is calling us at this point to put these back on. I'm wearing, I even wore it to bed last night. I don't ever wear jewelry in bed but I felt like God was like, you need this necklace on. It's just a reminder. These are all prophetic. You know, fight, fight, fight, my fearless necklace. It's just all prophetic acts of partnering with God and what he's doing at this time. So, I just thought that was really powerful. It is a turning point. That's what God is calling us to do. Alright, this next thing, I am so excited about I was listening to Donna Clement Petruska and Charlie Jordan on Code Breakers from August the 10th 2000twenty-four my sister sent it to me and she was like Stacey this is so good it is amazing so if you don't know Charlie was the guitar player that was on stage with Kim for 25 years sometimes he would even hold Kim up when he was delivering prophetic words I mean he was there and a lot of times you know he does his own I'll watch his shows as well but Donny brought him on to break down prophetic word from February the 22nd 2000twenty-four or 2014, I'm sorry February the 22nd 2014 to kind of break it down it was a 20 minute word they did not do that they just took small little sections from it to kind of see where we are today it was so interesting hearing from Charlie I loved it because he he was there on stage with him he remembers the words and then his As to where we are today. So this is Donna and Charlie from August the 10th 2000 twenty-four. Check it out. Hello everybody and welcome to another Code Breakers Analysis and I have Christy Des Fontaine here with me again today but also Charlie Jordan has joined us to discuss this prophecy. So welcome Charlie and Christy. Thank you so much for joining me today and I'm so excited to get into this and keep Looking at this day. Of course, Charlie, I know you remember this better than us because you were there on the platform with him as you were so many most of the time. I think 99% of the time we're watching a prophecy of my dad. You were right there behind him and I mean, I've seen you even Charlie over over the years. I've seen you actually holding my dad up while he was prophesying. So, I'm really excited to have you here today to to hear what you have to say and your reaction to this now that it's been some time past and we can look back at these prophecies at how remarkable this actually is and so again thank you for joining me today and then there is a nation he showed me and took me itching for a new kind of war with America they will shout impeach impeach they say but nay This nation shall come very subtly. But he shall not come in the time of President Obama. They shall come when this new one arises my David that I have set aside for this nation they will shout impeach impeach but this shall not happen and then God says highly embarrassing moments when another Snowden arises and people will become very afraid they'll say we have no protection and then God says am I impressed with your weapons of war am I with the strength of your men's legs. I have said I will bring this nation to its knees and God said you have been humbled and yet some more and then you shall hear the sounds of great victory for where are the people gathered where are my people gathered where is the sound of unity from my people I want just this crowd here and all the thousands watching all over the world just do me a favor just for about 30 seconds raise up your voice and shout come on Listen to that. Listen to that. America. America. Is forever. Is forever. Israel is forever. Is forever. Is forever. In the next in this next week. This man shall begin to emerge. And in the following two weeks which is a three week period you shall slowly come to the fore. For they are saying how do we kill the giant? How do we kill the giant of death? How do we kill the giant of socialism? How do we kill the giant of human secularism? I have placed that man amongst you. A humble man and as Samuel stood before the brothers and they had rejected David to come because of his age. Take all these little little remarks I'm giving you. They are gems. The name and the word gold Remember that. A man that is amongst them but is young. And God says these that shall reject him. Shall be at how he takes the giant down. Now hear me please. The giant of death the giant the giants that have come the brothers of Goliath standingly watching America we will cripple you you will lose your credit but God said watch I said twenty thousand Look not to Wall Street. However, observe. And they shall say what is your plan for this this giant? And he will take a simple stone. Remember the name. And he will hold it up and they will laugh at him. But the plan is so brilliant says the Lord. It could only have been given by me. Yeah. Wow. Well there's a lot there. Uh so I've been I took notes all through that. So at the beginning there he says it talks about a nation itching for a new kind of war with America. And then sees the impeachments, both impeachments. Then he sees another Snowden arising. Um so before we go any further do you what do you think about that other Snowden Charlie? I've been wanting to ask you this. Do you think Julian Assange could be the other Snowden? Yes. That's what I feel in my heart. Yeah that's what I feel in my spirit about that because you know if it wasn't for WikiLeaks a lot of things that were hidden wouldn't have been made known and and so WikiLeaks man just begin to just scare a lot of people And and so yes I I think that he's very possibly Denise Noden. Yes I you know that's like I said I've been wanting to ask you that because I've watched that very closely with with Seth Rich who was the DNC he was with the DNC and he was going to expose something and then he was killed they said he was robbed but nothing was taken from him and you're right about the what was exposed as as a result of WikiLeaks and we've just recently seen Assange finally released and so I think the timing of that was also quite interesting too of his release being this year of 20 twenty-fourand you know something else I've noticed Charlie is that it seems like a lot of these prophecies that were fulfilled in part but there were things that were still open are beginning to come to pass in fullness in this year that a lot of things that we were unsure of have sort of begun to culminate and it's more than in one prophecy or two prophecies. It's almost like in almost all of them. Everything has tied together. Everything from Israel to the the to the division in America politically and and the propaganda with the media and the rise of the forthright and the globalist agenda and I could go on and on. But the thing the other thing I wanted to ask you about was when he said when he's shouting am I impressed with your weapons of war. Am I impressed with the strength of your both of you I actually wanted to ask what you how you you feel about that at this point in time. Am I impressed with the strength of your men's legs? That is something I've I don't know it just stays with me so let me know what what you guys feel about about any of that stuff there before we move on to the rest of it okay well I think God is saying something that you know so many people in this country they depend on the the mainstream media they form their opinions about everything that is happening because of the mainstream media and so their trust and their a security is in what the media saying and what everyone says about the country okay and so their trust is in that and what we are beginning to see that is really coming to pass is that that they have let us down our government has let us down and and though they still want to try to speak a a strong language or have a strong opinion about what we are doing and how secure this country is but guys it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that we are very vulnerable now with the open border situation and everything that's going on but you see the media don't want to really concentrate on that and talk about that. They kind of brush that or sweep that under the rug but guys, we are in a fix right now and that's that's how I see that. God said, am I impressed? God is sending a two-fold message. Hey, guys. Look to me. Trust me because they will snare you. Like it says, in Proverbs, trusting of man will snare you but if you trust God, if you trust God, there is safety. I'm going back to what I was saying to Charlie earlier. The culmination of the prophecies coming to pass in this year is very significant. 20 twenty-four being this election year. We know what is on the line. Yeah. Uh not just for America but for the world because I mean if if America falls, if there if there's no more America the rest of the world and you guys know this it's it's not looking good for anybody else and we see Russia and China and Iran banding together they've got bricks going on they're going to they're going to get rid of the dollar my dad prophesied all of this Charlie and you know that and he kept seeing the big E and death to debt and you know I've been telling everybody on the my live show I made some T-shirts and I was saying where the prophecy because right now we're in so much debt like we've never seen and so and maybe you can speak to this a little bit Charlie in defiance of what we see in our present we know what was prophesied and even though it may seem impossible to quote my dad impossible is nothing for God and so you know whatever you have to add for that Charlie because I know you probably yeah well especially the death to deaths well you know you know God is about numbers okay colds and you know let's look at this prophecy from 2014 okay he talked about impeachment twice, okay? That it shouldn't and it will not happen, okay? And that really came to pass in what what when was it? Uh well, between 2016 and 2020, those things really begin to manifest and come to pass but see a lot of people think that's a word that was given and though it looks like one part of this word has manifested. There are still things that are applicable to the future that and and and what's so interesting about this guys that in 2014 when he prophesied all these things now we've come to 20twenty-four10 years later he spoke about a new party he spoke about death being erased he spoke about all of these things and it looks like the the complete opposite is happening but see that's just like God man I love God because you know God's timing is is is just so cool because he we are all biting our fingernails oh what's going to happen what's going to happen and God is just sitting up there and saying just trust me just trust me and I believe that 20twenty-four guys we are going to begin to see a lot of these things that he prophesied in 2014 really begin to take place in 20twenty-four I can't wait till we get to the to which thing because look that to me man there's there's so much I got notes here too there's so much that blows me away about how God was speaking and the codes that he was speaking through the prophet and the prophet was releasing these words and we were saying yes yes yes but what does it mean yes yes yes what does it mean but now it's becoming clear and clear and clear guys we are about to see a transfer of wealth as well we are about to see a miracle take place because with all of the quakes now we didn't say anything the quake that Christy felt last night. It scared us. She's she I'm from Africa man. Let's talk about that. I'm from Africa. We we got a lot of problems. We don't have earthquakes. And I'm sitting in my apartment and suddenly the whole thing starts shaking. My lights are doing this and I'm thinking I'm under prepared here. Tornadoes when I lived in Nashville I knew what to do with that. Living in LA it was a 5. 7 magnitude that hit in Bakersfield. We felt it. All my friends felt it was texting everybody. I mean the apartment shook everything was shaking I was like I don't know what to do it's the strongest quake I felt since living here which has been for years now yes yes well they are interesting but the prophet prophesied about these quakes about eruptions you would you know we know about what took place at Yellowstone but in those prophecies what did he say that something is going to produce produce in other words there's going to be something discovered and and guys I'm just as stupid to believe everything that God says and the reason why I said that because we have so many people that oh well but what if it doesn't happen yeah but what if it does and I believe that it's going to happen that something is going to be discovered that is going to completely wipe out our debt and every country that has lined up to cripple our debt to cripple our economy all of this that they have planned to do is going to be erased and just like he said in a very powerful prophecy the media will have no other course but to say what I want to say that's not done yet guys okay the view time all of these media outlets that keep suppressing the truth and keep prognosticating they are truly the modern day prophets of Baal and watch see when God begins to truly move and it's coming very soon everybody they will have to report what the spirit of God is saying and guys we going to see something that's just going to blow not only this country away with such joy and faith but other nations on this planet will turn and say yes God is alive and God is real so well it's definitely humbling this situation that's happened with Kamala Harris being just they just replaced Biden with her. And so we're we're going to play. Let's play that that clip again. It's just short. Um where he he prophesied. Also February 22nd of 2014, So that's 10 years ago. Again we got another 10 year marker. Um let's hear that prophecy will come back. California, you are dying because of a drought. Watch my sign. Watch the sign of rain. For I told you there would be severe wind from above and all the states that are affected by this severe weather have been set up for a shaking of my spirit and an outpouring of my spirit. But California, I'm looking at you. Gold, Stone, California. A smaller statue and God says once you recognize the man that I have raised up pray for the enemy will do everything in his power to put a witch in the White House Did anybody hear what he just said? For Jezebel has chased away the prophets and even Elijah come on now I have said go back for this shall be dismantled so that there will be no more corruption in the White House says the spirit And I loved it. Charlie I could hear your voice shouting behind him. Come on. In the prophecy. And for a second I thought it's Charlie's audio and I was like wait a minute he was there. Oh I love that. Okay so interesting I know Charlie. And listen you know what's interesting that that Chrissy and I noticed last week is you know during 2016 time we were all like oh well Hillary is the witch in the White House. Um and a lot of people have responded to me since last week and said well it could be both because it's a spiritual thing. But notice he was prophesying to California and that's Kamala Harris's district. That's right. Amen. You're taking the words out of my mouth. So we see interesting to severe weather, wind from above and the states that would be affected at California being in a drought. Watch for rain. I think these are things people need to watch for as we continue through the summer. Uh we're seeing a lot of it. So you know this is something we can all pray about. Keep our eye on because these are the sun that we need to be looking for that show us okay this is the year and and this is what God's promised about it and then he saw gold and everything that's going to going on with bricks for instances they're backing their currency with gold and so then you have Donald Trump and he everything is gold with Trump so this image of the gold is just everywhere and so it's really tied to everything and then you know them saying we're going to do they're going to do everything in their power my dad said they're going to do everything in their power to put the a witch in the White House and what do you see them doing right now I mean they are scrambling to do everything in their power to get Kamala in there so Trump doesn't get in because Biden was a big failure and so anyway I want to hear what what what either of you have to say about it that those were my yeah I I you know 2016 was the the wicked witch of the east that they tried to put in oh okay because Caesar senator out of New York even though she's from Arkansas but she was a senator from from the state of New York and now we have 20 twenty-four 10 years later the house fell on the wicked witch of the east it did of the east they're calling Kamala the Wicked Witch of the West they are calling her that funny but it to me man that's what I love about God man I think it's just so cool so now the wicked witch of the east is no longer there and who knows they who knows what they would try to do but here's what's interesting 20 twenty-four 10 years later the devil is still trying to put a witch into the White House that's what so beautiful about these prophetic words is that man they are applicable to the moment they are applicable to the time after time we can never just go to sleep on the prophetic we cannot we cannot go to sleep on it because there are jewels just like he just said gems in each word that are spoken there's a code attached to every word and I believe that Kim was that type of prophet because look, you guys said, I work with him. Yes, I've been with him for over 25 years. I work with him. I've seen him. I used to say to him all the time guys. I used to say this Kim, I love the little things that God does through you because it's those little things that are loaded with so much of the kingdom and what God is doing and I believe that every word that he spoke, there's a code, there's something connected to it that will bring forth fruit and righteousness in every area at every moment so we cannot go to sleep that's why I love that song that we got in 1996, you're somewhere in the future and you look much better than you look right now you know what God was saying okay it's a corporate oh okay individually yes but corporately I I believe this wholeheartedly in my heart everyone that what God was doing he was preparing us and then he was taking us and thrusting us into a future and we have arrived at some of these future events where everything around us is ugly it's bad it's tumultuous it's just it's just so much going on but what did God say? You look good in this future. That's the faith that I have and this is what we want each and everyone of you that are tuning in that's listening. Have this type of faith that it doesn't matter what's going on around you. What is your perspective? Are you going to look at it and you going to be moved by what you see with your what you know what you see with your natural eyes? Are you going to step into perception and perceive that God has all ready taking care of us. God has already worked this thing out. Like he said, you look good in the midst of all this ugliness. Oh, that was so good. I loved that conversation. I ended up texting Donna today saying that was absolutely amazing. It was so much fun to listen in and to be a part of it. It's like they were having a conversation at a dinner table and we got to listen in on what they had to say with memories of you know, what Kim did as far as why he was here on the Earth but also understanding prophetically where we are and how these things are fitting in right now. The line he said there right at the end. You're somewhere in the future and you are much better look looking than you were than you are right now and that whole thing of fast forward from Gina. I really think that those two things come together. I think that was very powerful. I want to highlight something that was literally as I'm listening to it it was a blip. I mean he barely said it he tied it in with a bunch of different things but like for me it was like whoa it was like light was shining on it and it is when he said Kim spoke about a new party and then he went on to debt erased death to debt transfer of wealth impossible is nothing for God miracles are going to take place like he went into that and so he just breezed by this new party I was sitting there thinking I have heard that it's been a long time since I've heard that and God really highlighted it which made me start to research and when I researched I found Kim implement prophetic word 2013, but also the exact same day of what they were just studying there of February the 22nd 2014 I love that day because it's actually my birthday but the the 22nd of February but 2014, the same time same when they was on the platform delivering those prophetic words we just went through he also delivered this whole thing about a new party well last year Donna put it back out she put these two words together 1 from 2013, the day was November the thirteenth two thousand thirteen and the word from February the twenty-second two thousand and fourteen about a new American party. Check this out. There's an American party that's that's emerging. A party that's going to outdo the Republicans and the Democrats. A party that's going to stand up for what is right. Of course they'll have flaws but it's but we it you can see the disintegration of and the and the discord that's taking place in this nation that's coming to an end. Maybe it'll take longer than you think but it's in it's there. It's like John the Baptist in the womb of Elizabeth leaping when Christ comes into presence in the womb of Mary. What made him leap? The presence of Christ. Listen, that's important because they weren't born yet. There there are unborn things at this very moment that we need to realize even though you cannot see them, they are present. You cannot see a child except for the fact that the you you can hear the heartbeat nowadays and you can see the the mother growing and so on but you wouldn't know but there are things present today that are not yet manifest that will yet come and it takes a prophetic eye to know what they are. I was in my garden suddenly the spirit came removed from my eyes scales. And suddenly behind me starting behind my back going in a form of an arrow where hundreds of thousands of people An
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