Cedar Fork Season 1 Episode 2: Microwave Malfunction

2 months ago

Cedar Fork Season 1 Episode 2: Microwave Malfunction is a 2023 Adult Animated Comedy Film Directed by Rod Westheider it is The Second Episode of The First Season in Cedar Fork and it stars Rod Westheider Jacob Fletcher Fattswiss and Marty Henderson as Chef

While Allen Micheal (Rod Westheider) is away for LA, California Josh Fletcher (Jacob Fletcher) is mad because His Son Kevin (Jacob Fletcher) cooked Maruchan Ramen Noodles causing The Microwave to malfunction so He has to fix it meanwhile Timmy (Jacob Fletcher) and Brandon (Rod Westheider) were arguing about the Microwave situation for which Jimmy (Rod Westheider) tries to avoid being in the middle of the argument as well as The School has a Teacher who hasn’t work there or live in Cedar Fork in 10 Years

Voice Cast
Rod Westheider as Jimmy Micheal/Brandon Micheal/Mr. Doddridge/Allen Micheal/Airport Security
Jacob Fletcher as Timmy Fletcher/Kevin Fletcher/Josh Fletcher
Fattswiss as Airport Worker in Training
Marty Henderson as Chef

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