DHS Whistleblower - Phillip Haney - 'See Something, Say Nothing'

4 months ago

Interview date October 20, 2016 Uploaded on November 1, 2016
Original upload by Northwest Grassroots. This is a Townhall style meeting with Phillip Haney.
About this event:

Philip Haney studied Arabic culture and language while working as a scientist in the Middle East before becoming a founding member of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in 2002. As a member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence, Haney helped oversee the nation’s clandestine services, focusing primarily on classified information related to the rise of terrorism through Islamic Jihad.

Behind the scenes, our government hired men and women to create new security procedures to identify and stop individuals who were terror risks from entering the United States. Other positions were created to look for patterns and links to terror organizations trying to bring down the United States both from within and without our borders.

Haney's first sign of conflict with the DHS occurred in 2006, when he wrote an article for the web called Green Tide Rising related to Palestinian voters endorsing Hamas. The DHS accused him of breaching protocol, and committing an ethical violation, though he was eventually exonerated.

Haney was ordered by the DHS to alter or modify information because it was not politically correct. The problem with Saudi Arabia in relation to terrorism, said Haney, is that the country supports Islamic schools called madrasas in Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. They send Saudi males there to be educated in Koranic theology and other Islamic texts, and these schools often function as a breeding ground for terrorist organizations, he cited. Further, we need to look closer at the fact that Islam teaches Sharia law, which is incompatible with the US constitution.

Upun retiring he joined WND editor Art Moore to discuss how after Haney's sterling career at DHS, he was disciplined for investigating potential terrorists and terror-linked Muslims and mosques -- including information that might have prevented the Boston Marathon bombing, and later the San Bernadino massacre. “He was highly trained, and he was very methodical. He didn’t waste many shots. He had a very precise, methodical approach to this,” Haney said of Mateen.

“There is no disconnect between what’s happening here and what’s happening in the international arena,” Haney. “It’s the same global jihad movement.”

“People are massacred on U.S. soil and the administration is worried about Islamophobia. Clearly something isn’t working.”

Phillip Haney’s story is interesting, exciting and alarming. We in eastern Washington are honored to have he and co-author Art Moore speak in our area and to provide the materials he so generously provided for your further education.

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