Karen Mcneal Shares Why She's Vying For Duhamel's Seat in the State Senate

20 hours ago

***The ending screenshots are blurry, so scroll below to see Duhamel's voting records that Karen put together***

Karen McNeal, Justin McNeal's mom, shares why she's got her sights set on unseating Helene Duhamel in the state senate for District 32.

We cover a lot of different subjects, from Second Amendment rights to Covid and what the legislature has done concerning our rights in many forms. We also talk about what her goals are if she wins this election and what she hopes to change for the benefit of the people in her district and South Dakota.

Visit her website for more info! - https://www.karenmcneal.com/

The first column of NO/YES votes are how Duhamel voted. The second column of NO/YES you see is how she should've voted to stay in line with the Constitution.

*NO YES HB1057 2020 Prohibit gender transitioning of minors--prohibit puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and genital surgeries on minors*
NO YES HB1277 2020 Prohibit pimps, traffickers & others from profiting off the production of obscene content & ensure ownership of content remains with individual featured in the material
YES NO HB1296 2020 Expand emergency powers
NO YES HB1217 2021 Fairness in Women's sports--protect women's sports
NO YES HB1005 2022 Ensure restrooms & locker rooms are NOT used by students of opposite biological sex
NO YES SB72 2002 Prohibits school, organizational or sports hazing
NO YES HB1116 2023 Prohibit use of state resources for lewd/lascivious content; allows universities & K-12 to refuse immoral or indecent events-authority to place age restrictions on events
NO YES HB1257 2024 Require pornographic websites to implement age verification to keep minor children off their sites

NO YES SB177 2021 Parental choice re: compulsory school attendance--educational choice, parental rights; expands alternative instruction like home schooling
YES NO HB1223 2022 Pregnant minor consent to self; allows doctor to take consent from a pregnant minor for certain pregnancy related treatments or procedures
NO YES HB1246 2022 Act to clarify that parental rights are fundamental
YES NO SB151 2023 Remove parental permission for intrusive surveys in schools-interrogation of students without parental permission

NO YES HB1212 2021 Clarify use of "stand your ground"
NO YES HB1140 2021 LIMIT conservation officer access to private land
YES NO HB1185 2024 Intrusion by project developers on private land for surveys requiring site permit
YES NO HB1186 2024 Requirements for granting carbon pipeline easement to transmit CO2 via pipeline
YES NO SB201 2024 Allow counties to impose surcharges on certain pipeline companies in exchange for LOSS of regulatory control & bogus landowner bill of rights implements UN's Agenda 2030 unconstitutional and undermines state sovereignty
NO YES SB167 2024 Limit valuation increases on owner occupied single family dwellings

YES NO SB157 2022 Tax breaks for data centers
YES NO SB120 2023 Increase amount of property value EXEMPT from taxation--tax advantages for INDUSTRIAL developers--transfers tax debt to other taxpayers
NO YES SB189 2023 Prohibit state from contracting with companies controlled by certain foreign entities/governments. Restricts foreign countries & state controlled entities from benefiting from SD Tax dollars

YES NO HB1296 2020 Expand emergency powers
NO YES SB172 2020 Civil forfeiture only AFTER conviction
YES NO SB191 2020 Expand county authority
NO YES HB1075 2021 Nullify Presidential Executive Order to seize firearms
NO YES HB1140 2021 Limit conservations officer access to private land
YES NO SB3 2021 SD Department of Health can bring legal action to confine persons they believe are infected with COVID-19
**YES NO HB1193 2023 Amends UCC, transition to CBDC, adds biometrics to UCC; enables government to directly control individuals with social credit score
YES NO SB197 2023 favors tax funded public lobbyists, no accomodation for unpaid volunteer lobbyists
NO YES SB207 2023 Prohibits use of public funds to influence election and provide a penalty
YES NO HB1140 2024 Revise law to allow counties to summarily reject citizen petitions and declare an emergency
YES NO HB1163 2024 Revise UCC without jurisdictional protection for SD investors

YES NO SB137 2022 Establish legal framework for commercial surrogacy
YES NO SB117 2023 Increase video lottery bet limit & winning potential

YES NO HB1001 2021 State redistricting map (doesn't conform to state constitutional guidelines)

YES NO HB1294 2020 Budget bill $62.3M spending INCREASE
YES NO SB70 2020 Allow Spanish drivers license exams
YES NO HB1037 2021 Increase fees for electrical licensing & inspection fees--license fees 2X and some others 3X
YES NO HB1053 2021 New annual fee for electric vehicles
YES NO HB1169 2021 Vehicle bill appropriation of taxpayer money for the "arts"--no identified purpose
YES NO SB195 2021 Budget bill--spending increase over previous year
YES NO HB1340 2022 Budget bill
YES NO SB53 2022 Appropriation for Woman's prison
YES NO SB175 2022 Game Fish and Parks shooting range
YES NO HB1109 2023 Modify occupation tax for business improvement district--doubles occupation tax for Hotel/Motel
YES NO HB1196 2023 Additional $5.2 M to Capitol grounds budget for upkeep, additional memorials--obligates future budgets for upkeep
YES NO SB141 2023 $200M housing infrastructure spending; only benefits few
YES NO SB74 2023 Establish regional jail authorities; taxation to fund operations; unelected commissions--grows government
YES` NO SB120 2023 Increase amount of property value exempt from taxation; Increased tax advantages for industrial developers--transfers tax debt to other taxpayers
YES NO SB156 2023 Appropriate $50M in federal funds for water projects--Federal environmental rules apply
YES NO SB210 2023 Budget bill $1.6B more and adds 69.5 MORE FTE's to state budget--2024 Fiscal budget $7.4B (7/1/23-6/30/24); SD dependent on $3.5B from Federal Government
YES NO HB1092 2024 60% increase in 911 fees
YES NO HB1259 2024 Budget bill $135M increase in state general fund spending and increase in FTE's
YES SB16 2024 $19.8 M Appropriations for water and environmental purposes--funds water projects across the state; $1M for Western Dakota Regional Water System
YES SB45 2024 $3M to SDSM&T and Dakota State--Quantum Information Science & Technology
YES SB53 2024 $117.38M for water projects--Rapid City to receive some
YES SB83 2024 $700K for Rapid City & Hot Springs WILDFIRE suppression div facilities; construction costs of maintenance shops $1.4M total
YES SB134 2024 $6M infrastructure relief program for eligible businesses in timber industry
YES SB144 2024 $10M to public airports around the state for terminal projects

*YES YES HB1080 2023 Previous vote in 2020 (HB1057)was changed in 2023 vote
** YES YES HB1161 2024 Previous Vote in 2023(HB1193)Only Congress has power to coin money, takes steps to return to gold standard, prohibits state of SD from accepting CBDC; businesses that accept CBDC must also accept another type of legal tender

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
ELEVATE 100 100 100 100 100
FAMILY VOICE 50 83.33 66.7 60 80
Citizens for Liberty 31.3 30 30 28.6 31.8
Freedom Index 33 33 33 33 33
Right to Life 66 92 92
NRA 92 42
Americans 4 Prosperity 71 74
ACU 64 69 American Conservatives Union

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