An Autistic Search for Answers

1 day ago

#autism #autismpodcast #autismawareness
Copyright Help Is On The Way, Toby Mac, Life After Death Album, 2021.
Thank you Wichita State University for letting me film today.

Each Autistic journey is different. Each Autistic person finds out they're on the Autism Spectrum at different points in life. For those like myself, who find out about Autism later in life, it is both healing and painful to find out the truth about how you as an individual process the world differently...but also how the general societies perceive Autistics in general. In order to better understand societies perspective of Autism, I journeyed to Wichita State University today to pick up a copy of the DMS-5. The reason I did this, was because I am a naturally curious person. Whenever I find out new pieces of information, I do my best to research it as best as I can to try and comprehend the subject matter as best as I can. Reading through the diagnosis criteria, the questions I have had in regards to how I have understood the world has started to be answered. However, there are still pieces missing even within the DMS-5.

In order to find answers, it is important to ask questions, to study, and talk to others to hear other people's perspectives. I do not have all of the answers, because I am human and will continue learning. My goal is to share information as I learn it to the best of my limited abilities. I hope whoever else stumbles upon these videos knows that life is a struggle for everyone in different ways. Learning to understand each person's own Autism is a journey in and of itself. I pray that Jesus provides you with whatever answers I cannot.

May God bless you and guide you throughout your journey in understanding Autism and how it impacts your life.

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