OP2409-13-6 After Action Report

5 months ago


Operations staff and intelligence staff for 2nd Battalion, Chernarus 4th Separate Light Mountain Rifle Brigade, received reports from local agents that the separatists had taken over the town of Rogovo in Chernarus, and had deployed an anti-aircraft battery.

This latest development was regarded as a poignant threat to 2nd Battalion's area of operation, so operations staff assembled a task force consisting of four light rifle squads, and two BRDM Scout cars. The march to Rogovo was projected to take about 20 minutes to complete. In that time all four rifle squads and the Scout car section were expected to maneuver around potential enemy artillery impact zones.

Unfortunately, 2nd Squad and 3rd Squad came under intense artillery fire by the enemy and over the course of about 10 minutes were wiped out to a man. Additionally, Scout 1 was destroyed by an enemy RPG Gunner in a patrol, which also heavily damaged Scout 2.

Despite being shorthanded, the task force commander ordered the operation to continue. 4th Squad was ordered to advance from the southwest and cut the main road leading from the northwest, while Command Squad cleared enemy patrols south of Rogovo as it advanced into the village.

Command Squad attempted to press its way into the center of the village, and did find and eliminate both civilian criminal command operatives, seizing documents and a cell phone from their persons. However, enemy counterattacks and counterfire were simply too heavy for the rifle squad to endure, and was in time, wiped out to a man.

4th Squad commander, which failed to comply with his orders, took command of the operation, pulling back to the location where the scout cars were, in an effort to recover the wounded driver of Scout 2. Enemy pursuit elements closed with 4th Squad and cut them down with increasing casualties, forcing 4th Squad to withdraw back to base.

Casualties were catastrophic. Command Squad, 2nd Squad, and 3rd Squad were all wiped out. Scout 1 was destroyed, and Scout 2 was damaged and abandoned.

Field counts of enemy losses included two technicals and one T-34 tank.

It is clear through radio data and other data that the commander recklessly drove his forces to destruction, including failing to effectively maneuver half of his rifle units out of the potential enemy artillery impact zone, so that they could be part of the attack.

The only redeeming part of this operation was that the commander destroyed the enemy antiaircraft battery using artillery, something which should have been employed to the rest of the enemy forces in the early going in the operation.

Commander Chernarus 1st Army Corps has ordered 1st Battalion, Chernarus 19th Separate Mechanized Cavalry Regiment to prepare for a counterattack in the region, which is expected to take place in about a week.

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