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Prophet Amanda Grace - A Pivotal Word from the Lord: Listen, Oh Trumpets - Captions
In this intense and urgent message, Prophet Amanda Grace shares a prophetic word received during prayer, warning of sabotage within the Trump campaign and urging a redirection and reliance on God's strategy. The message emphasizes the need for prayer, discernment, and a spiritual battle for the soul of the nation. Amanda urges the audience to seek God's vision and to armor up with the word of God to combat the spiritual warfare at hand.
Amanda received a loaded Word from the Lord the morning of August 16, 2024. You don’t want to miss this! Tune in August 16 at 5:15pm ET.
Music Copyright References:
-21981893-Corporate And Inspirational Cinematic Background Music (1.00 Minutes Version) by StockAudios/Pond 5
-151471022-Uplifting Inspirational Corporate by Patrick_Schlebes/Pond5
-154756307-Magic Fireflies Loop Version2(Modern And Relaxing Background) by Lesya_NZ
-123859534-Successful Product Presentation 60S - P5 by wolfgangwoehrle
-105166597-Believe in You (Inspirational And Uplifting)- P5 by DivaProductionMusic
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Purchase ID/Date: 7365245 / 9-29-2023
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✝️ Another Awesome Message from Amanda! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 08-16-2024 and may be watched here: 👉
So, this word is intense and And I'm just giving you a warning of that now. It is a continuation of what I started a couple days ago. So when I started giving the word of warning I felt a stirring and so this morning while I was in prayer this word came and in fact I woke up at 6: 45 AM and I audibly heard something right off the bat. It was almost audible and so I'm going to tell you what that is and then we're going to get into th e word. So I heard first I heard the word running and then I heard I'm in Salt Lake City and Utah. I would watch those areas right now because I don't hear that, you know, all the time. So, I would watch Salt Lake City and Utah right now. I also heard Brazil while I was in prayer. So, I think there's about to be some turning over in Brazil that we are about to watch happen. So, just keep your eyes on Brazil also. Alright, let's begin with the word. All capital praise, honor, and glory be to the Lord of hosts, maker of all capital things. Creator of all capital things. Who was before the foundations of the earth were ever laid. I am. That's capital. I am was. He sits on the highest throne clothed with majesty and righteousness. His goodness is everlasting and to his capital kingdom there is no end. And the spirit of the Lord says this day take heed my capital children for the road of perdition they attempt to lay brick by brick before you in your nation. A road of perdition which means destruction. That leads to a gate that's capital. A gate that's capital. That for a certain price will be open to totalitarian leaderships of the earth in order that certain nations may attempt a monopoly that's capital on America says the Lord. Thus says the Lord. Is my arm too short that it can not save? Is my hand too short that it cannot take hold? Do not put your trust in the arms of flesh in this hour for I the lord thy God all capitals and breaking arms of flesh in this hour. They shall be broken for they were raised to receive from a dragon, a serpent, and ancient demons of ruin who obsessively desire to take territories back through those they have showed such images of attained glory that have been now lured in to be the face of such a devious campaigns, says the Lord. And says the spirit of the Lord this day, all capitals. Turkey, oh Turkey, you trifle too close to what is mine, says the Lord. Lebanon is shaking, and I shall shake you as well, says the Lord, for you are stirring the pot, you make active threats against what is mine, and your leadership shall have a close call. For your foot has slipped and you are now headed down such a slope, says the Lord. Turkey's plans and blueprints for regional dominance shall be exposed in their private call with the American administration and defense department shall be exposed says the Lord. Turkey shall shake says the Lord. Syria shall shake says the Lord. Damascus an unusual event that never occurs in such a territory shall be a sign says the Lord. And says the Lord of hosts. The apple cart has been upset says the Lord. Within your leadership within your elections. The apple cart has been upset. A those running against such evils have been sent off kilter off their mark because their trust is in an old strategy to face off against a new fresh enemy says the Lord. You cannot put old wine in new wineskins says the Lord for it will burst. Shed the old wineskin says the Lord. All capitals. Shed it now before it's too late. Allow me the Lord thy God to fill a new wineskin. For says the Lord of hosts oh Trump You are being sabotaged within your campaign, all capitals. There is deliberate intent sabotage. Occurring within your ranks says the Lord. Beyond the secret service near your front door says the Lord. It must be purged says the Lord. It must be purged for you are being set up to purposely falter and to be let down such a path that will bring you to roadblocks and dead ends if this path is continued down. It is time to redirect. It is time to reset. It is time to go back to the original reasons one stepped out of the private sector and put everything capital on the line for America. The roots. You must capital in this hour go back to your roots. Oh trumpets o is capital. For you are in a field of weeds. Attempting to trek through. See through. An intentional field of weeds and snares and tears that sown within your camp in 2020 and were subtly and continually laid and planted as words spread the one called Trump would run again. There are two within your ranks that are feeding information to the other side. Yes, an underground corrupt railroad that is feeding information to an aid within the Harris camp. And says the Lord, she and her corrupt cohort shall attempt to become a mirror image of you in many ways capital. Their ads even shall look more and more like yours in an attempt capitals to blot you out and bring your speech into a relevance and ramblings that the ears of the public will tire from. Says the Lord. Thus says the Lord all capitals. I have the strategy. I see beyond what any of your political strategies see. For I the Lord maker of heaven and earth do nothing until I first reveal my secrets to My servants, the prophets. I, the Lord, say in this hour, seek me on your knees. Get your heart posture right with me. The enemy has you very focused on the gnats and the flies that swarm around the progressive candidate and you attempt with a fly swatter that has holes in it to swat such flies and gnats away as it distracts you from capitals finding the nest and destroying the nest and the hub in which they plot says the Lord. And says the spirit of the Lord this day. The secret service has lost their drive. A spirit of dejection, lack of days agoness and being at ease has compromised the root and the top. And this will be swept in and unusual and sudden way for there shall be a changing of the guard with such says the Lord. For some deep within the secret service have been crying out to me. Grieved by what they see. And I the Lord of Heard those cries and a sudden wind of wind of change shall blow the chaff out of such departments and scatter it says the Lord. The old wineskins must go for in this season I the Lord God Elohim desire to pour capitals. New wine into my people. This is capitals. New wine into the church. New wine into cities. New wine into Chicago. New wine into Saint Louis. New wine into Baltimore. New wine into San Francisco. New wine into Albany, new wine into Atlanta, into the four corner states of the nation, new wine in Houston, and the smaller towns in Texas that have been dry and calling out to me. For those who took advantage in Texas shall lose their land says the Lord and it shall be given to those who will listen to my leading instead of puffing out their chest and telling tall tales that truth is not found. Thus Says the Lord, prepare my children for the hills and the valleys to shake. Hearing San Fernando Valley. Prepare my children for the international to attempt to affect the local. For the international organizations who plot and plan for spreads and threads are roaming and looking for a way to declare an emergency in this nation where the incumbent shall be no more and time is stretched to cling to the Oval Office so elections are scarce said the Lord. However says the Lord it shall hit an international snag. A snag says the Lord. As the panic shall once again ensue as their foot gets caught in thick mud and their mouths bring forth admission of meetings and bribes as the dragon has crossed over for such meetings. A league of communist nations have formed. A committee and there are talks with the candidate and former presidents on the side of blue to secretly join a league and gamble the nation away for a win. It capital is a grievous sin says the Lord. A grievous sin for you sympathize with what is blasphemy to me that's capital says the Lord. You conjure up spells and threads and repetitive snares to the ears with the help of such dragons and serpents and those in the Middle East. Indonesia has even put their hand into the pot says the Lord. And says the of hosts. There shall be awe that's capital. During such a time of the high holy day says the Lord. For attacks are being plotted during such a time of awe when an anniversary is upon you. Sound the ram's horn on Rosh Hashanah says the Lord. My people sound it. It is a call to heaven in my capital armies shall be dispatched to expose such a plot and they shall go deep into the White House that has become a shadow house and retrieve the blue of the meeting that took place between current and former presidents and liaisons of foreign nations that shall come forth in a scandal indeed. And says the spirit of the Lord this day. This is why you must capital get in line with me capital. My will, this is all capitals. My ways, my vision, and my strategy. For I will not lead you astray in such a race. The tortoise and the hare says the Lord. They are intentionally keeping you off kilter. Those within your own ranks. Break free of such and allow me to steer fully now for they have you in the crossfire again says the Lord as well as a red flag of falsities that shall make it look like a supporter attempted a heinous thing. It is lies, it is wicked, and I the Lord shall protect and expose as you fully realize that you as a man cannot do this campaign on your own or fight it out of the flesh for it makes a mess and anger and pride overtake in awake of toxic words that are said that leak out and make you lie in such a bed on missteps and regrets of what was said. Step out of your flesh says the Lord. Step out from the other side. Oh step out for the other side is banking capital on you staying caught up in such. My children, man is fallible and you cannot make excuses for bad behavior. This is why you need a savior. My son capital who died for humanity that blood must be applied in my court's capital in this hour. As the fate of the nation is being weighed and decided as I desire to do a mighty work in America, however, it takes full submission and cleaning house of those leading you in the flesh. America has too many messes and a campaign right now needs to be the exception and the example to a nation desperate for a shepherd. Be the exception. Be the shepherd, all capitals. I am your shepherd and I will put the staff into your hand to lead such a flock if my ways are committed to. I, the Lord, am not seeking perfection or a perfect walk. I am seeking a listening ear. The ear was scarred for a reason. For that is what is required in this hour. An ear that listens to what I the Lord say and the willingness to carry such out. For multiple traps have been set for you. Oh trumpets leading to the debates. It's a minefield of setups and sabotage. And I the Lord will remove the veil and expose such. Hearken unto me in this hour come quickly. Pray my children pray and do not let the worldly bull horns put you in a spin zone of dysfunction and despair. For they are a Tempting to suck the hope from the nation to increase their power. Faith and hope my children, activate it. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Thus says the Lord of hosts in the name of Yeshua, my son, who sits at my capital right hand. Amen. And amen. So, praise the Lord because that is I feel it. I actually like feel the heat pulsing through my body from this word. Uh so this is something that is urgent. It is serious. This is what we are meant to do in the prophetic office. We are meant to deliver these things. We are meant to do it in boldness. We are meant to do it in obedience in the lord and we are meant to do it from keeping those God wants to use from completely ending up off a cliff of sabotage off a cliff of harm. Nathan stepped in the way of David many times. Isaiah stepped in the way of Hezekiah. There are many examples biblically of this where the words that were given were strongly worded and they were serious and they were important because things were about to unfold that could totally destroy what God wants to do with that person. So, we have to understand this in the prophetic. We're not meant to be cheerleaders and enable bad behavior. We're not meant to do that. We are meant to speak the word of the lord in truth and in love and in boldness so people can fulfill what God has called them to fulfill. This is why this is so important. This word is crucial right now. This word is crucial because there is sabotage going on, alright? The lord said it himself. You've got people in your own camp of trumpets that are giving information to an aid in the Harris camp. And the lord's going to expose it. Ask him to expose it. He will because he's already seen it. Doesn't matter they upset the apple card what matters is the old wine goes bad counsel goes confusion goes anger and flesh and reacting out of that goes and distracting yourself with gnats and flies goes this is what matters right now The Lord would not be saying this if this was not urgent right now. He's telling them they're about to enter landmines. Not literal but like things that have been set. Traps that have been set. Sabotage that has been set. For multiple traps have been set for you oh Trumpets leading to the debates. It's a minefield of setups and sabotage. And I the Lord will remove the veil and expose such. Hearken unto me in this hour. Come quickly he says. Because he sees how urgent this is. He sees how serious this is the Lord. Right now. That a nation is being weighed for it and men have to get out of their flesh and think they can win this on their own because they're fighting principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual host of wickedness and the heavenly places and high places. Therefore, what do you put on? The whole armor of God that you might be able to stand against the wiles and schemings of the devil and having done all to stand. That's what you put on first. Before campaign strategy. Before super packs. Before potshots which have to stop. You put on the full armor of God. This is why the Lord is doing this now. Because there is an urgency to this that needs to be followed through one. It needs to be followed through one right now. Because there are setups that have that have occurred and booby traps of sorts that have already been put in place. And that's what happens when someone gets too much into their pride, the enemy can lead them right in with very, you know, it doesn't take much very little effort. The enemy can lead them right in to the trap because they're too much in their flesh and their pride and they don't see the pit before them So, pray right now. Pray. Pray that all this gets exposed because the lord sees it and it's time to scatter it like chaff before the wind because the lord has a new strategy and that's the strategy that's going to win. This old wineskin is not going to cut it and the temperature we're in in this nation right now you need new wine and a new wineskin because the old wineskin will burst. He needs to receive the new wine. Because the old wine did nothing but stagnate before the nation. Did nothing but stagnate. The Lord also talks about in here. This is the last thing I'll say. I'm looking for it. About the leaders Okay the Apple card has been upset. He says, And says the Lord of hosts. The apple card has been upset says the Lord within your leadership within your elections. The apple cart has been upset and those running against such evils have been sent off kilter off their mark because their trust is in an old strategy to face off against the new fresh enemy. Says the Lord. Then he says you cannot put old wine and new wineskins says the Lord for it will burst. Shed the old wineskin says the Lord. Shed it now before it's too late. That's capitals. Allow me the Lord to fill the new wineskin. For says the Lord of hosts, oh trumpet. You are being sabotaged within your campaign. There is a deliberate intent occurring within your ranks, says the Lord, beyond the secret service. And the Lord goes on. And he talks about a meeting that happened and I'm looking for it to see if I can find it. New wine okay he goes through all the cities he wants to pour new wine in Okay. They want to declare an emergency. Let's see. I'm looking for it. I'll see if I can find it for you. Folks about the high holy days. Okay that the White House has become a shadow house and retrieve the blueprint of the meeting that took place between current and former presidents and liaisons of foreign nations that shall come forth in a scandal indeed that's coming that's coming also the current campaign on the side of blue and the defense department met with some of these. Communist foreign entities. They're complicit. They're complicit. So, pray right now. Be watchmen and watch women on the wall. Pray into this. Test the spirit. Hi, Chester. Because this is a serious word. It is it is a crucial word right now for what is happening. Because this needs to get dealt with and this this needs to get dealt with fast. So, this whole thing doesn't derail. This is why they did it the way they did it. And that debate with Kamala it's a setup. That's why they paraded all those women out to accuse Trump in the court of law and set that up that way knowing the full time they were going to put Kamala in so that when he went to debate her and started making fun of her and taking pot shots at her they can say you see this is what he was accused of in court. It's a setup. This has to be an issues driven debate. Attack the you say how you're going to fix it. In twenty sixteen Donald Trump talked more about how he was going to fix things than how terrible things were. How are you going to fix it? The American people want to hear right now. How are you going to fix it? Here's the issue. Here's how I'm going to fix it. Here's issue number 2. Here's how I'm going to fix it. Because the other side don't have an answer for that. Attack the issue. Give the solution. Don't deal. With the lord of the flies. Don't engage in a way that's going to lure you into your flesh to say something they can use. Because that debate set up was a trap. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. And yes we you know there is paroting going on that we're beginning to see and it's going to get worse if they do if they if the if they don't redirect. So, just pray, test the spirit, pray into this as the body, as the ecclesia because we have given power and authority through Christ Jesus. We have been given that and we have to use it in this hour. So, we will be putting this up on the blog. You will have it to take print out watch and pray. So, thank you everyone for joining us tonight. God bless you. Keep the faith. Armor up according to Ephesians chapter six, Psalm ninety-one. I say it every single day. I encourage you to say it every single day. It's a powerful Psalm. The word of God is living and active current for every generation. And sharper than any two-edged sword penetrating to the dividing line of soul and spirit and joint and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. I was reading in Amos today actually this morning and so this is a sword. You gotta swing it like it's a sword. You gotta swing it. You gotta use it like it's a sword because that word has power and the enemy knows it. That's why he quoted it to try to ensnare Jesus in the wilderness. That's why he tried to falsely use it because there's power in it because in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God and the word became flesh and dwelt among us. Also, the Psalms one twenty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, and fifty-one created me a clean heart oh God. I say that. I say that almost before every broadcast. I I take communion and I say that because we have to cleanse our hearts out of the abundance of heart, the mouth speaks. We have to cleanse our hearts. Ephesians one and three and I'll encourage you to read those chapters but in the Believers Authority by Kenneth Hagan the first couple of pages has scriptures from those chapters that I say every single day along with the lord's prayer in the gospels. Jesus taught his disciples to pray that way. I encourage you to do the same. This is a spiritual war with physical consequences. This is a spiritual war first and foremost. It is not just an election. It is a spirit war for the soul of the nation. It is a spiritual war for the soul of the nation. That is what we're up against right now. They want to take the soul of the nation, put it in grave clothes, put it in the tomb of Sodom that they prepared for it, and put the stone in front of it. And there is a remnant in this nation that is growing louder and louder that is crying out and this is why this nation hasn't totally been forsaken because the lord has a promise with this nation that was made from New York by George Washington The people need the vision to see right now. Without vision, the people perish. The people need vision right now. To see beyond the labyrinth of the media and what they're doing. The polls are false. What they speak is lies. It grieves the Holy Spirit. What they use their voice for and in this time, you will see many at the top of the media food chain step down because they're going to get caught in the mud and the mess and the muck and the mire that they have tried to hide and they're going to be forced to step down. Heads of the largest media corporations are going to resign as the truth begins to pour out about who has met with what over what. And what was orchestrated years ago. They're going to step down. It's coming. So, thank you everyone for joining us. Have a wonderful rest of your evening. I will be back on next week. If I I can come on Monday, I will. If I can come on on Monday, I will. Um otherwise, you're probably going to see me on on Tuesday. We do have shorts too that we are putting out that I have been doing so look for those as well. Thank you everyone. We love you. Have a wonderful rest of your evening. Keep the faith.
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