Can a Christian be Demonized

1 day ago

Pastor Hanisha Besant answers the question that many believers are unsure of .. and that is ... Can a Christian be demonized?
This is the second installment of teachings with many more to come helping, equipping, and preparing disciples to be all they are called to be.
The Lord called us to heal the sick, cast out demons, cleanse the lepers and raise the dead.
How often do you do any of these?
Most people have never been taught how in the churches they attend ... for many reasons. We invite you to join us ... online or in person.
In these last days of the Church Age, the Holy Spirit is counting on us as believers to be a part of the final end-times salvation of God's people.
Get ready. Be prepared. Don't get caught without oil in your lamp.

For more information on the dates, times and locations for these workshops ... as well as our Sunday church services, please visit our website located at

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