Catastrophic night of by-elections show Starmer’s Labour COLLAPSING!

5 months ago

Right, so US hypocrisy when it comes to whether we’re talking about friend or foe with them is not usually much of a story, we expect, my goodness if Israel hasn’t exposed it and what they can get away with in the eyes of the US, I’m not sure of what more blatant an example I could possibly point to and in line with that view how about on the very same day that Israel detonated 3000 pagers in Lebanon, the US decided to sanction Iran instead and do so, for human right abuses. Israel remotely detonate 3000 handheld electronic devices, not having a clue who may have been holding them, who might be nearby, where they might be or what collateral damage would result from that and the US don’t bat an eyelid, just plead ignorance, and the same of course passed 24 hours later, with walkie talkies and other electronic devices allegedly exploding as well at Israel’s direction in Lebanon. But Iran, certainly not known for their respect for human rights, are the ones who get sanctioned and these ones are on top of the sanctions the US and other Western nations issued on the 10th of this month over allegedly supplying weapons to Russia. This is off the scale hypocrisy from the US because taking such action against their enemy, when their ally has committed an atrocity that has horrified the world, shows this has nothing to do with upholding human rights, how can it be? It’s getting one up on someone they don’t like whilst ignoring the conduct still of a genocidal friend. How does that make the US any less of a threat in which case?
Right, so the US manages to shame itself ever more deeply on a daily basis, but I doubt you’ve heard anything about this latest example, since it has been so poorly covered, the best I could find in any western media alluding to this story was three paragraphs from Reuters, and actually that has surprised me a bit, because we’re talking Iran here, the West’s go-to boogeyman, when does our media usually refrain from putting the boot in here? Seems odd, but perhaps it has a lot to do with the blatant hypocrisy of the US administration and the fact the only country many people around the world want sanctions slapped on right now is Israel for the numerous war crimes and human rights abuses it has been committing, certainly over the last almost year since the night of October 7th, but in reality going back decades and especially right at this moment considering the terrifying attack on Lebanon via electronic devices. But now I might have just hit the nail on the head as to why this news isn’t more widespread, because the US have sanctioned Iran over human rights abuses, in and of itself hypocritical enough to possibly elicit a squeak of a rank out of me over, but worse, worse is the fact that the US sanctioned Iran on the same day Israel set those pagers off.
Now, this isn’t to say Iran don’t have human rights issues, of course we know they do, and if you don’t here’s an excerpt from Amnesty International about it:
‘In the aftermath of the 2022 “Woman Life Freedom” uprising, authorities further suppressed the rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly, and intensified their crackdown on women and girls defying compulsory veiling laws. Security forces crushed protests using unlawful force and mass arrests. Thousands were subjected to interrogation, arbitrary detention, unjust prosecution, and imprisonment for peacefully exercising their human rights. Enforced disappearances, and torture and other ill-treatment were widespread and systematic. Women and girls, LGBTI people, and ethnic and religious minorities were subjected to systemic discrimination and violence. Cruel and inhuman punishments, including flogging, were imposed and implemented. The use of the death penalty as a tool of political repression intensified and executions increased. Trials remained systematically unfair. Systemic impunity prevailed for past and ongoing crimes against humanity relating to prison massacres in 1988 and other crimes under international law.’
It's not a country with a good human rights record and the latest round of sanctions have been levied against not Iran itself, which might also play a part in why this story has gone underreported, but against some 500 organisations and individuals including members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and prison wardens for violations of human rights, committed in the name of upholding morality.
Iran have such a thing as morality police, or guidance patrol, effective a religious police force, because of course a theocratic state like Iran would have such a thing and the timing of these sanctions has come two years almost to the day since the high profile death in the custody of the morality police of a 22 year old woman called Mahsa Amini. Amini had been arrested for the crime of improperly wearing her hijab, something that has been law in Iran since the 1979 uprising which saw the Ayatollah’s take power. Her crime was that some of her hair was visible. Three days later, she was dead, her cause of death officially was heart failure, because that’s a such a normal cause of death in 22 year old women isn’t it? But the bruising her body suggested she was beaten despite police denials, medical officials and other detainees who witnessed her arrest claim she was tortured in the back of the police van and this triggered waves of protest throughout Iran as a result, which resulted in the Women Life Freedom movement that the Amnesty International quote mentioned a moment ago. Protest of course, not permitted either as that Amnesty piece detailed and this is what has triggered the US to impose sanctions now apparently. Why wait two years to do so? Distraction from their slavish loyalty to Israel and casting a blind eye to what they are doing in Lebanon, in Gaza, using arms the US has likely sold to them, at least in part? Well if they wanted a distraction story then the media didn’t oblige them. The US have managed to find cause to sanction 500 Iranian individuals and institutions, yet still can’t bring itself to censure Israel over a single one, blocking any attempts to do so even, so the hypocrisy is off the charts that the US is claiming to stand up for human rights when clearly it couldn’t give less of a toss if it tried and frankly smacks more of trying to hinder Iran from taking it’s revenge on Israel as it is still saying it is going to do when it is good and ready and still supporting the people of Palestine through their so-called Axis of Resistance, which include Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq. The sanctions are more about protecting Israel still than doing anything to put off Iran, to sanction Iran to make Iran rethink it’s own oppressiveness, because it won’t. In the current climate they will merely shrug it off, ignore it, carry on as ever, because it’s what they do, it’s what they’ve always does and you can see this in their other allies too, because the Houthis never back down, and for all their atrocities in Gaza and Lebanon, not just in recent times but going back decades too, they don’t either. There’s either an ignorance in US actions here if they think this will be in any way effective, or it’s just for show, but if it’s that, the fact they’ve done this the same day Israel committed their pager terror attack in Lebanon is appallingly bad timing on their part. Largely this story might have been ignored because that was such a massive development and perhaps it didn’t get revisited afterwards because the optics absolutely are dire. I’m thinking the latter is probably true.
You see a week ago the US allegedly offered to lift sanctions from Iran if they promised to leave Israel alone. Again it highlights the sheer hypocrisy of applying human rights sanctions, it also implies that the only reason the US may have applied sanctions here and now, is that Iran told them where to stick it.
The US appear very much to be using human rights as cover for sanctions against Iran to try and protect Israel who should actually be getting sanctioned into the floor themselves for being the true terror in the Middle East right now. The media have let a massive story go in my view because it would massively embarrass the US over their ongoing obeisance towards the genocidal blue and white state, their resolve in standing by them refusing to be shifted. Time can’t come fast enough frankly for them to have a day in the dock themselves frankly and that day may soon be coming.
You see where you might have thought South Africa and those who have joined their case have been quietly working away on their case submitted to the International Court of Justice in relation to the case of genocide they have brought against Israel, they’ve actually been up to more than that, having for months now been working on a complicity in genocide case against both the US and the UK, we here in Britain could end up paying a heavy price for that so-called special relationship and allowing the US to set UK foreign policy, especially when it comes to Israel and if it ends up coming to a head on Keir Starmer’s watch, that will frankly be all the more appropriate given what a massive Zionist he himself is as well. Get the details of that story in this video recommendation here as your suggested next watch and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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