Is JC the Almighty GOD (Ahayah)???

3 months ago

Let us go through a run down of the commonly accepted Old Testament. Adding and additional reference from Enoch 48.

Study to show yourself a workman need not be ashamed handling accurately the word of Truth.

Glory to the Heavenly Father possessor of Heaven and earth our creator.

1. Prophet
2. Guilt Offering
3. Angel
4. Son of Man

Debunked below:
•Deuteronomy 18:15

•Isaiah 7:14 (Immanuel means God with us)

•Isaiah 9:6

•Isaiah 53:1-12

•Isaiah 63:8-10 (cross reference with Exodus 23:20‐23)

•Jeremiah 23:5-6

•Micah 5:2

•Malachi 3:1-2

•Psalm 45:1, 6-7

•Psalm 110:1-3

Richard Laurence, 1883 The Book of Enoch

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