Lethal Force and the Law

9 hours ago

Orlando Sonza discusses his candidacy against Greg Landsman for Ohio's first Congressional Seat, followed by Sean Maloney, who discusses the legal dimensions of using lethal force to defend oneself.

The use of lethal force is justified only under conditions of extreme necessity as a last resort, but did you know that just touching a gun might be considered lethal force. “Stand Your Ground” means something different in every state, if you are a gun owner make sure you know the laws of your state. Did you know that you may be judged by a “reasonable man” standard? What does that mean, and does it mean something different in every state?

Own a gun or thinking about buying one? Join us for this class as Attorney and gun law expert Sean Maloney from Second Call Defense will break it all down for us by reviewing the basic concepts of lethal force, how they are interpreted by the legal system, and what it all means for you as a gun owner.   

Make sure you leave this class knowing the 5 Universal Concepts all gun owners must know!

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