Sexual Fantasies: Full Metal Ox Day 1301

5 months ago

Full Metal Ox Day 1301
Saturday 21, September 2024
Apocalypse Year Episode 1366
**See the full vlog on Hive, Rumble, Steemit, or Minds.

Sexual Fantasies

Today's Saturday Transmission is click bait for the fishes in the cosmic sea. Don't be mad if you took the bait. Leave with a subscription as compensation. However, when you do get to the part that covers our titillating title, savvy viewers will get what we're talking about.

One of the 7 Truths of Noxsoma Life Camp, is "The Meaning of Life is Life." And life, on this corporeal realm is sex. When you stop and break down the electro-magnetic organics of human reproduction, the revelation (apocalypse) is that, (dare I speculate) that 100% of our human functions are dedicated to reproduction. Everything from our physical structures, to our chemistry and our emotions. What gets in the way are the artificial elements designed to hinder procreation; i.e. sexual activity and reproduction.

But anyway, before this becomes another fragmented thesis. The AI generators are following the usual path of any other art form, from painting to sculpture, lewd French postcards to bawdy 8mm stag films. Sexual fantasy is an extension of the nature to reproduce mixed with a, dare I say, "jealousy" from a male perspective, that they (we) need womb-man to fulfill this nature.

There I go again.

The "secret" within this episode is for Numbers Nerds. My latent fascination of these value symbols was unleashed this summer as we explored the circle and wondered why it was given 360 degrees and not something else like 100 or 1000. After all we have ten fingers.

We've pulled out some clips from 2021, Season 2 of Full Metal Ox. We throw these out randomly. Sometimes the ideas expressed are still valid. Other times, (especially when talking about health & viruses) my outlook and innerstanding has flipped 180 degrees.

I mentioned I'd include a list & links to some interesting videos/podcasts I watched in the past week. They are below (after the workout links). This will be a Saturday feature as long as I remember and until it becomes a habit.

Welcome to FMO Season 14. Our goal is 823,543 active followers. One of these days, we're going to hit you up for donations. As soon as I can figure out what I'd use them for. Until then, an up-vote, like, etc. will be donation enough.


Today's Episode:

EXTRA EXTRA!! This is the first video I posted on Rumble. Same shit!!
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SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

Program notes
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YouTube: [The Gymmy Jamm Season 9] Mid-summer, half way through season 9. We reached our bare hands deadlift goal, (350 lbs) and now we have several Dl goals in mind; repping 295-315 bare hands, and pulling 410 with wraps. That should keep us busy for a while. We were hipped to oscillation reps, (which we knew by another name) so we started adding them. Monkey Bars work is amazing though challenging. And we started something else, but that's coming later.

Summer Surprise: Friday Finisher Ep 86:

MBB Session 27: Surprisingly Strong -

Hard Monday Rehab: Park Session 32:

Saturday Park Special: Session 31 Some forgotten moves:

Working thru Injury (Thorsday) Eppisode 85:

Going Deep (Squats) Tuesday: Ep 84:

Dream Come True: MBB 26: FN 10 -

What I watched this week:
11 Bizarre Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency (Dr. Eric Berg DC)
Kundalini Energy Sacred Secretion INFO 2022 | SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS: THE BIOCHEMISTRY of Inner Alchemy
First Sign of a Magnesium Deficiency (Dr. Eric Berg DC)
Catherine Austin Fitts Interview: The Last American Vagabond. (Long, heavy interview)
Dr Fauci's West Nile Virus: Dr. Sam Bailey
Occult Government Exposed: Today's War (Annunaki Anciet Mystery)

Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

Living is the best part of life.

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