I haven’t had a cold or the flu in 7 years - Scalar Light Testimonial

4 months ago

15 day FREE trial: https://www.freescalar.net/ (no credit/debit card required)

Here is the testimony:

From the first week I was on Tom Paladino’s Scalar program my health has improved and I haven’t had a cold or the flu in 7 years.

Five years ago, I suddenly had a runny nose, temperature, and body aches and pains and within 15 minutes they all disappeared, and I became perfectly healthy again. Last week, after so many years, I began to feel fluish with a temperature, and again within 15 minutes, it all disappeared.

How is this possible? Because Tom and his team work on each of us in the Scalar program twice daily, and even if a virus tries to take over, it is quickly eliminated.

Many of my friends are in Tom’s Scalar program and they are each totally healthy, too, 365 days per year.

Another huge benefit of the Scalar Program is that once you’re in Tom’s program it’s effortless, you don’t have to do anything at all; no supplements to buy, no Amazon boxes to open, and you can enjoy perfect health as do so many of my friends and I.

THANK YOU, Tom and your Team!

With Love and Gratitude

#coldandflu #quantumhealing #scalarenergy #scalarlight

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