Convergence of Prophecy "The Altar of Satan" 9/18/2024

4 months ago

Tonight, Lord willing, we will look at another church Jesus wrote to…the church in Pergamum.
Where Jesus says Satan dwells.
The N.L.T translates this as: “I know that you live in the city where Satan has his throne.”
The N.I.V. translates it as: “I know where you live—where Satan has his throne.”
Pergamum is where Satan's throne is…or is it?
We are going to talk about that in this study.
This letter was sent to the city of Pergamos…which was about 70 miles north of Smyrna…and some 15 miles inland from the coast.
Today it is known as the city of Bergama…in modern-day Turkey.
Pergamos was the capital of Asia and the center of Roman power and authority in that area.
As one commentator said… “If Ephesus was the New York City of Asia, Pergamum was its Washington, D.C.”

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