Bass guitar improvisation with Warwick bass

1 month ago

Song of love metal official - bass guitar improvisation 12
Warwick bass guitar inprovisation video
bass guitar imorovisaiton video Warwick

Song of love metal official - bass guitar improvisation 12 This bass has a very good souns Warwick is one of my favourite bass . But this one was too heavy for travel I saw Warwicj has a short scale bass . Short scale is very good on the road . Song of love metal official is very good on bass . The band is heavy metal . The bass lines are also classically influenced and bring fresh sounds to rock music Song of love metal official pass our videos to your firends suscribe

Warwick bass guitar inprovisation video Bass is a much easier instrumrnt to play for me as it only has 4 strings compared to 6 strings in guitar . The main goal of bass is, along with the guitar to keep the groove . If a bass player does not keep the groove well then he will not be a good bass player .

In your bass guitar imorovisaiton video Warwick soloing is very good on bass . Many bass plyers only play the first 4 frets of the bass . I love bass guitar payers such as Gedee Lee, Billy Sheehan , Steve Harris . Most of pop music is uninspitred and does not have good musicians . As it is based on 4 4 time signature . In these jams there are very odd time signature .

Song of love metal official - bass guitar improvisation 12 Sound engineer in the studio have told me that they did not understand the time signature in the song . It is funny that modern young musicians only play 4 4 And their songs does not have time changes . When someone comes with very strange time signature and with many changes in the song they are lost .

Warwick bass guitar inprovisation video Music is about being original . When modern young musicians play dumb songs then it comes a time that they do not understand complexity and music anymore . If someone only uses the a letter , theyafter a while will not be able to writer a letter . This is what is happening ot modern music . Your bass guitar imorovisaiton video Warwick Song of love metal official like and suscribe

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