Song of love Love and truth full album

4 months ago

unsigned heavy metal band single youtube channel
youtube channel heavy metal single unsigned band
unsigned band heavy metal youtube channel

This is album number two from Song of love metal official Great work powerful songs We have amazing hits like American man and Metal Jesus or Stagger the Devil Song of love metal official album number two Love and truth had already released a few singles in the past from love and truth Stagger the Devil is very direct and powerful great riffs and vibes throughout the song American man is like the romantic love story in a metal way Lots of amazing slower moments during the song The unsigned heavy metal band single youtube channel could be more real .

The prophetic side has great songs too As we know Song of love metal official has on their album the prophetic and the orgasmic side The prophetic side has great songs like wake the world The world definitly needs some waking up and the world needs to have people love one another this is a great positive love song for the inhabitants of earth Metal Jesus is the anthem to the outcasts Maybe you feel that nobody accepts you that you are too different to fit in Song of love metal official like and suscribe

Then you can relate to the song Metal Jesus The prophetic side of Song of love metal Love and truth album the second effort of this Miami based band Song number three is Adventist metalhead it talks about Ellen g White and those amazing prophetic events which this American writer who is in fact the most prolific Americam female writer foretold in her writings The true youtube channel heavy metal single unsigned band not best quality but the futur of music .

This woman Ellen g White in 1902 told about 9 11 and the new york towers In 1903 she foretold san francisco earthquake She foretold the 2 world wars, the civil war in Usa. She foretold many more things in fact she had 3000 visions Song of love metal official is very influenced by Ellen g White's writings books such as The great controversy or Desire of Ages Steps to Christ Song number four on side one of love and truth by Song of love metal official is signs of the end Personally i prefer the demos version of these two last songs on side two

This song, signs of the end talks about catastrophy doom for the world It warn the inhabitants of earth of a total destruction of our planet and the events which will soon take place Song number five on prophetic side of love and truth by Song of love metal official is animal abuse which concerns the killing and destruction of many animals around the world without seeing governments having any care of the issue still every year thousands of animals suffer without the leaders having any concern Song of love pass our channel to your friends

Prophetic side of love and truth ends with a bass solo called
Advent reminds me of Joey de Maio solo this one is more in classical music veins and has gentle and warm feelings and vibe to it The unsigned band heavy metal youtube channel gives you real and raw music .

Side two of love and truth starts with American man personally my favourite song of the album love and truth by Song of love metal official This song is quite powerful and blends really sweet and gentle sounds Song number two of the orgasmic side is Stagger the Devil this song has powerful riffs many tempo changed. Song of love metal official trademark is to end their songs with quite powerful and fast riffs which gives much value to the metal fan

Song number three on the orgasmic side is city without love This is the first song ever written by Fabien Song of love metal official songwriter and bass player . This song talks about the people s struggles they are hidding. The daily struggle of chosing evil or chosing good. Reminds me of the song heaven and hell by Black sabbath Watch unsigned band heavy metal youtube channel Song of love metal official like and suscribe

The album ends with Adventist metalhead and signs of the end demo version Love and truth is a pretty good and refreshing album It will be the last album with Fabien singing For the next album Song of love metal official will have a new singer for their next album called Into the zone You ar ethe first to hear !

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