Muy ESTUPIDA! AOC Plays Her 'Latina Card' Defending Kamala The Border Czar And HOO BOY (LOL)

5 months ago

Posted • September 20, 2024: It feels like it's been a while since we last wrote about AOC. Now, that doesn't mean she hasn't been doing and saying stupid things (that's sort of her schtick) BUT it does mean we've all been a bit preoccupied and distracted by the train wreck Democrats think should be our next leader of the free world. That being said, even with the hot dumpster fire that is Kamala Harris, we couldn't help but notice this from our favorite Socialist Democrat. Granted, she is defending Kamala and insisting she was never the border czart so there is the Kamala element BUT still: AOC: "I'm gonna speak briefly as the highest-ranking Latino or Latina on this committee…Vice President Kamala Harris was not the quote, unquote Border Czar!” -- Briefly. Right. And holy cow.

THIS EDITOR IS GONNA SPEAK AS THE HIGHEST-RANKING BLONDE ON THIS WEBSITE. Yeah, that just doesn't work, ya' know? It's even dumber from an elected official who clearly thinks her rank and race are important. They're not. Those who have nothing worth saying talk about their race and gender. And we all know Sandy has nothing. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Muy ESTUPIDA! AOC Plays Her 'Latina Card' Defending Kamala the Border Czar and HOO BOY (LOL)

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