Song of love First angels message official single

3 months ago

Song of love metal - First angel's message

So the song cannot be as tight as a real band which can rehearse the songs everyday . Plus the sound engineer is remote also so i cannot tell him a precisely what i want . Some songs do not come out very perfect as the instrumental Ellen White I keep it as i do not have money to mix again

In christian rock music videos youtube channel This song is about revelation 14 most christian music is only praising Jesus Here the originality is that we talk about topics rarely touched in christian music . This song is about prophecy and the last message for planet earth . Some songs like Babylon is fallen is the same topic of Pride is about Nebuchadnezzar pride that led him to eat grass 7 years . Song of love like and suscribe

In christian metal music youtube video , this song was cool to create i love the chorus the singer did an amazing job with the marmonies and the riff is tight classic rock metal . Our band Song of love metal official cannot be classified as some songs are fast instrumentals like babylon is fallen . Some songs are more rock hits like girl named clit ot orgasm planet . Some are more metal like signs of the end .

Song of love first angels message This is a christian song but not all of our songs are christian based on the bible . Originaly wethought of doing one sid eof the album christian based the other side other sexual topics . It is all biblical as we believe sex is not a sin and people should be enjoing sex . Song of love pass our channel to your friends

In christian rock music videos youtube channel you can read our blog in for more on this topic . In christian metal music youtube video i play the bass so the songs are bass oriented like Iron maiden creates all the songs from bass . It is important ot bring something new to the world of music . There is a Song of love metal official sound but is is not fully developped yet . The time signature of our band is very original . Most bands play 4 4 songs Song of love metal official is very odd time signature .

Song of love first angels message To tell you the truth i recorded with young engineer and i will not record any of my soung with young sound engineers as they do not understand anything about music . My time signatures are complicated and real musicians can hang on ,but new sound engineers who never heard anything apart from 4 4 time signatures cannot record properly .

In my christian rock music videos youtube channel the harmonies between bass and guitar are quite original . Sometimes they ar eunisound like Led Zeppelin sometimes harmonies like classical music . This is very interesting to do in music . As it is a skill and an art in itself .
In christian metal music youtube video we did not come out with our third album yet as there are only a few songs released . As First angels message, sex music, sliding love, will ther ebe metal in heaven and worthy of death . That makes 5 songs .

When Song of love metal official will become more famous and with support then i will be able to spend more time on the music, the videos and recordings. Song of love first angels message I love the chorus on this song and the time changes. Almost every song i believe it is important to have time changes or the people do not have their money worth of music . Song of love metal official like and suscribe

In christian rock music videos youtube channel it is interesting to find out that people who write 3 minute songs is not enough music for the people short song . Four chords and 3 minute of the same thing repeated is scaming the fans . In christian metal music youtube video i believe mistening to heavy metal is not a sin . As modern christian music is very commercial and fake .
They have some good songs like Hillsong and other modern christian artists.

As christian music i prefer to listne to the hymns This is pure christian music ?. Song of love first angels message I feel like modern christian music is bad quality rock and roll . It is not that good musically and the musicians are average . In christian rock music videos youtube channel we find out that thee is a true last message called the 3 angels message this song speaks about this important message . Song of love metal official like and suscribe

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