Song of love Working for the cumshot official video

3 months ago

Song of love metal official - Working for the cumshot official video
original heavy metal power balad official video
unique hard rock power balad official video

Song of love metal official - Working for the cumshot official video This is a beautiful song it is about men trying to have sex all over the world and since 6000 years , and spending so much time and effort and some money to have a few minutes of pleasure . The amount of pain, effort, and energy it takes to get sex , compared to the time one has sex is staggering . Song of love metal official like and suscribe

In your original heavy metal power balad official video , somewhere something is wrong in our society . They make a natural event as in the animal kingdom that happens all the time so taboo. But why is society so upside down , if life is short, if enjoying yourself is important then why not enjoy yourself ? Knowing we will die soon ? Life in average is 28600 days . Why not take opportunity to enjoyr yourself now ?

In unique hard rock power balad official video why not create a system where sex would be easier for people to have and people would be more happy satisfied and less angry ?But instead of this society is going the opposite way So this will create more loneliness, more frustration, more anger and less happiness on earth .

Song of love metal official - Working for the cumshot official video Some other great songs from the band are American men, Babylon is fallen, stagger the Devil , sex music, sliding love .
Your original heavy metal power balad official video Song of love metal official is known for excellent bass guitar lines . The other instrumental Ellen White is also excellent instrumental with many time changes and powerful bass lines .

Your unique hard rock power balad official video watch the original video as they are excellent such as Stagger the Devil or Pride , American men . Song of love metal official has 2 albums out Orgasm planet and love and truth . Coming soon First angels message . The title frack which is on this channel has excellent chorus you will enjoy . Song of love metal official like and suscribe

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