Welcome To My Rumble Channel - An Enabling Space For Dynamic Homemakers | Aneta. Ep 1

5 months ago

Welcome to Aneta Elisha-Oladejo, a channel dedicated to helping young women embrace traditional homemaking while also creating avenues for financial independence to support their families. In this video, we explore the teachings of Titus 2:3-5, which emphasizes the importance of love, discretion, and obedience in every woman's relationship with their husbands and children..

Join our growing community of like-minded individuals who, like you, are seeking peace, support, and friendship. Together, we're navigating the journey of traditional homemaking and entrepreneurship. By following the channel, liking this video, and staying tuned for more empowering content, you're not just a viewer; you're an active part of our community. Thank you for being here!

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