Who are the false christians ?

4 months ago

Who are false bible christians according to the bible ?
How can we know who are the false christians ?
Does the bible tell us how to recognize false christians ?

Who are false bible christians according to the bible ? Most people judge by apprence and often without enough information to form a judgment . The bible says that we judge by people fruits . Interesting that christians do not know what fruits are . People judge by apprence , God looks on the heart . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

How can we know who are the false christians ? What are fruits ? Fruits is who we are . A follower of Jesus is not the does bad things once in a while . He he a follower of Jesus by who is is most of the time . Jésus was not selfish, Jesus was not arrogant, Jesus was not dishonest , Jesus was not rude, Jésus was not a liar Jesus was not sectarian Jesus was not abusing others Jesus was not unloving

Does the bible tell us how to recognize false christians ? These are the fruits Bad fruits means the person belongs to Satan . Good fruits mean the person is following God . Whether they claim to be christians Muslims Atheists or else . It is about being similar to Jesus . Earth last day bible channel pass our videos to your friends and family

Who are false bible christians according to the bible ? When i go to muslim or buddhist countries i find that the people are so much like Jesus , so honest, so humble, so gentle . When i go to christian countries so many people are not like Jesus . It is not the profession of faith it is ressembling Jesus .

How can we know who are the false christians ? The character of someone is everything . This is what will bring you to heaven In revelation 3 Jesus says To him that overcomes Overcomes what ? Sin How we treat others is everything in christianity . Does the bible tell us how to recognize false christians ? Blessed are the merciful, blessed are the poor in spirit, blessed are the peacemakers . These are the trits of character we need to go to heaven Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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