How to study the bible ?

4 months ago

How can i understand the holy bible ?
How can i know the bible is infallible ?
What are the methods of studying the bible ?

How can i understand the holy bible ? This will greatly help you as so many fals eteachers are found online They teach the torch of false prophecy . Step one to read your bible correctly Pray for God for understanding . It is impossible to understand the bible by yourself . The Holy Spirit is the one who teaches us and guides us into all truth . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

How can i know the bible is infallible ? One time i taught a young men the bible and this is the point i nted him to understand that the bible yes is a book and is written by men . So people will deduct that if men wrote the book anyone can understandn it with their reasoing powers . But no , the bible is spiritual and only God the one who wrote the book can help people understand the bible .

What are the methods of studying the bible ? The first time i read the book of revelation i did not know i had to pray before reading the bible and it was so very confusing to me . Thank God i learned that every time i open the bible i need to ask God to help me uderstand it . Earth last day bible channel pass our channel to your friends

Peter says that some people who ar eunlearned will twist the bible and the writings of Paul in the which there are things hard to understand , they will twist the bible to their own destructon . How can i understand the holy bible ? A wrong conclusion in the bible can end up destroying you . If there is a book we need to be careful what we believe in the bible .

How can i know the bible is infallible ? Look at the context, take time to study all the verses about a topic . Many churches have been built on lies because the founders only read one verse and made a whole church on one verse . See the whole story . Take a concordance and study for exampke the divinity of Jesus from Genesis to revelation . What are the methods of studying the bible ? Context Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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