How to learn the holy bible ?

4 months ago

How can i understand the holy bible in English
How can i understand the holy bible is infallible ?
What is the method to read the bible correctly ?

How can i understand the holy bible in English Many peopoe twist the bible to their own destruction . The words of the bible ar espiritual So spiritual things are spiritually discerned . As the words of the bible are inspired of God , then only God can help us understand his words . Unless you pray before each time you read the bible you will be totally confused in reading the bible . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

How can i understand the holy bible is infallible ? The Holy Spirit is the one who teaches us all things He is our great teacher when it comes to spiritual things and understanding . God gives us wisdom as David said that he wiser than his teachers because the bible makes one wise . Many times i met uneducated people and they had more wisdom than people who spend years in universities .

What is the method to read the bible correctly ? But prayer is the main point to study the bible . Also often people make mistakes as they take one verse and do not see the contect. In fact most bible teachers we find online do this thing . It is important to correctly divide the Word of God . Earth last day bible channel pas sour channel to your firends

How can i understand the holy bible in English For example modern christianity says Israel in Ezequiel 38 speaks about the country Israel . Yet in the same verse it speaks about Mishek and Tubal Are these cities literal ? No as they do not exist anymore . It is a prophecy, then everything in a prophecy is prophetuc .

How can i understand the holy bible is infallible ? Is Tubal prophetic yes Is Meshek prophetic ? Yes Then Israel is not the nation it is prophetic Israel or the modern church What is the method to read the bible correctly ? Context and prayer and honesty Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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