How to talk to Jehovah s Witnesses ?

5 months ago

Amazing trick to talk to the Jehovah s witnesses
How to talk to the Jehovah s witnesses ?
What is the technique to talk to the Jehovah s witnesses ?

Amazing trick to talk to the Jehovah s witnesses When we go to the origin then we find that the Jehovah s witness translation is not well done . In John 1 1 the true buble says the Word of Jesus is God . But in the new world translation it says Word is a god . Then changed one word to fit their belief that Jesus would not be God . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

How to talk to the Jehovah s witnesses ? This is a serious matter as 1 If Jesus is God and we do not believe then our sins could not be foeggiven 2 if we change the word of God we offend God and are so insolent that we think human beings can change the words of God without any result .

What is the technique to talk to the Jehovah s witnesses ? But we cannot do such a thing . This is like the catholic church in their bibles, the ten commandments are changed . They removed the commandment about images, and they changed the sabbath commandments to not say sabbath is on saturday ;

Amazing trick to talk to the Jehovah s witnesses The theme of the bible is that men sinned and deserves to go to hell and be destroyed forever . But God so loved us that his son who is also God as only God can take away our sins . His son came to die and his blood pays for our sins . As the wages of sin is death . Earth last day bible channel spread our channel to your friends

How to talk to the Jehovah s witnesses ? So if we change the main theme of the bible that the love of God is so amazing towards us that the struggle was so intense for God to agree to send his son that God the Father finally agreed to send Jesus . That if we change this to say Jesus is just an angel. Then we do not believe Jesus is God . But only God can pay for our sins .

What is the technique to talk to the Jehovah s witnesses ? An angel cannot pay for our sins . Each verse that says Jesus is God has been changed . But John 1 1 says the Word or Jesus is God When you look at the Greek it says plainly Jesus is God . But in the Jehovah s witness bible they added the word A and wrote The Word was a God Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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