How many works do you need to go to heaven ?

5 months ago

The greatest secret christians are missing
Are we saved vy doing works in the bible ?
How many works do we need to do to be saved ?

The greatest secret christians are missing My journey searching the topic of righteosness by faith started with listening to a semon by Pastor Alejandro Bullon in the which he said , christians spend their times looking at thr frujits of the tree . Adultery, lies, ecr When in fact if the branches and the fruits are bad it is because of the root . The root is your connection with God . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

Are we saved vy doing works in the bible ? If we do not connect with God, if we do not spend time with God , if we do not pray, if we do not read the bible, then we will end up not having good fruits . Most of all if we believe that our works save us then our best works are dirty rags and we will have a difficult christian life .

How many works do we need to do to be saved ? Are we saved by works also ? No nowhere in this verse does it say that we do the works . Jesus said the worls that i do the Father does in me . Many times the bible says God works in us to will and to do . We do not will to do good, we do not work to do good . Earth last day bible channel pass our videos to your friends

The greatest secret christians are missing Unless God works in us through faith , then we are unconverted . The bible says that if we believe we are saved by works,,then we cannot be saved by faith at the same time . If it is by works, then it is no more of faith .

Are we saved vy doing works in the bible ? NO we are saved by faith without the works of the law . God does the worls through us . How many works do we need to do to be saved ? The only wprry for you is to ask God to give you his righteousness as if you had to worry then it would not be by faith only . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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