What Did You Think the ‘Last Days’ would look like?

4 months ago

This Sabbath Study is based on Romans Chapter 1. In it, we find the characteristics and attitudes of the vast majority of the people who are living in our world today... It is my contention (not only me, but a growing number of Bible teachers...) that we are living in the Last of the Last Days just prior to the Rapture of the Church and the End of the Church Age ??... the Age of Grace... as the 'Bride goes up... the Wrath of God comes down...' Don't be left behind!"
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www.youtube.com/@prophecyfortheremnant9230 Please go to this link for over 90 lessons based on the Biblical Truth of the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church, Tribulation is at hand and will start shortly after the "Bride is taken to the Father's House", and then the Millennial Reign of Christ, on the Earth, for a 1,000 years!
Blessings and Peace!

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