Is every word in the bible inspired of God ?

5 months ago

Is every word of the bible true ?
Is every word in the bible inspired by God ?
Can i trust that every word in the bible inspired by God ?

Is every word of the bible true ? This is a very important topic as many peopoe today go by opinion, and trust human reasoning powers . Far are the days when people believed that the bible is inpired of God . Few people today believe that the words that the preacher says are from God . They think that the preacher is speaking his own opinion . It is a serious matter to counfound the words of God with the words of a men . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

Is every word in the bible inspired by God ? Do not say the words of God are from men Do not say the words of men come from God . It is insulting God and being unrighteous . When a pastor preaches, when he is anointed of God , the angels stend by him and give him the words to speak .

Can i trust that every word in the bible inspired by God ? The idea is given and the messenge rof God speaks his words but what is inspired is the thought . The same for the bible , God lets the person inspired to put his own personality . But it is the word of God . The idea, the sentence is inspired of God . Earth last day pass our videos to your friends

Is every word of the bible true ? When one says the words of a messenger of God are from his owon opinion they are incredulous, disbelieving of the words of God . When Noah preached people thought that he was giving his own words . But Noah was the messenge rof God , giving the message God gave him . What happened to those who thought Noah s words were his own opinions ? They died in the flood .

Is every word in the bible inspired by God ? The whole bible is inspired of God o please do not follow this world and society who thinks everything is human opinions and they do so far as esteeme highly human opinion .

In fact you need to highly regard Gods words and his messanger and regard very lightly human opinion Can i trust that every word in the bible inspired by God ? As the heart of men is deceitful above all things who can know it Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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