TTLREP609: TL Nugget #179 - Patricia Loff - Aim Higher

5 months ago

“The world behind your eyes really does create the world in front of it.”

Do you want to be healthier, happier, and more successful in your relationships and business? Do you want a better money mindset? What if you could accomplish these things without leaving home? People are now becoming more aware that they have the power to make massive changes in their lives. So, how does your money relationship affect your health? It's not an issue of mind over matter anymore. It's about the mind being matter. Yes, your thoughts reflect your health. So, clean your thoughts to recover health.

Patricia Loff was on her deathbed when she was introduced to Qigong. This ancient Chinese meditative practice includes gentle movement and higher truths to help achieve higher self-awareness. As she miraculously recovered, she realized that we all can heal ourselves and transform our lives in every way.

Expert action steps:

- Be mindful of your thoughts, identify negative ones, practice stopping them in their tracks. Say no them, but don't replace them; instead, let your joy surface.

- Be aware of your emotions. What triggers you? What do you judge? Do you stay in that state for more than a second? If yes, ask yourself, "Do I have to feel this way for this long?"

- Consider whether you're fulfilling your humanity capacity in the way gifted to you at birth.

Visit and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

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