WANTED: Faithful Leaders in Daily Pursuit of God and His Nature Character and Authority

3 months ago

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Subtitle: Too Many Indians, Not Enough Chiefs--DARE to LEAD! (TTM040)

9 min., 16 sec.

Hear full podcast episode @ https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/3219512 on the Toward The Mark podcast channel.

Podcast conversation to explore leadership in faith by the leading of the Holy Spirit, emphasizing the need for Believers to take authority and be the model of Jesus Christ’s character. Explore the necessary role of the Holy Spirit in our pursuit of oneness in God through Jesus Christ, leading us to take on His nature and authority. The discussion highlights the significance of godly role models and the call of God in the lives of all Believers in the body of Christ to become that leader that, when people look, they see God.

• There's a need for more leaders in faith.
• Believers are called to pursue God and His Nature so we reflect Him in our character, leadership, and life.
• Authority comes from being in the constant presence of God.
• The Holy Spirit embodies “Authority” and Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
• Spiritual authority is gained through becoming one with God through Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit’s lead.
• Pursuing God to become one with Him is essential for success in Life.
• Role models are crucial for spiritual development.
• Promotion in leadership comes from God through Christ Jesus by the leading of the Holy Spirit in our Life.
• Spiritual authority is not about education but about our “pursuit” as proof of our WANT for God.
• We must eliminate distractions that hinder our pursuit of The Holy Trinity.

Our passion is to share with others this adventurous life sold out to Jesus Christ and to offer our life’s testimony with the lessons we've learned along the way. Welcome to our wonder-full journey, Friend. We're so glad you're here!
#FaithAndLeadership #KingdomPurpose #BetweenTheLines


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- Order Keith's first audio book, "Letters From The Front": keith@towardthemark.com/lftfbook
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- Email Us: keith@towardthemark.com
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- The music in this video is by Keith and may be provided upon request, for a financial gift amount of your choice, either as an mp3 or project CD of “Between The Lines” and/or “Toward The Mark” in stock.


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