PRC Scholars View Legal Warfare as a Form of Combat

1 day ago

09/19/2024 U.S. legal scholar Jill Goldenziel testified at a House hearing on 'How the CCP Uses the Law to Silence Critics and Enforce Its Rule' that the PRC’s legal warfare is aimed at distorting international law and subverting the rules-based international order and the U.S. constitutional order and that PRC scholars view legal warfare as a form of combat in its own rights.
#InternationalLaw #JillGoldenziel #CCP #LegalWarfare
09/19/2024 美国法律学者吉尔·戈登齐尔在众议院“中共法律超限战”听证会上表示,中共法律超限战旨在歪曲国际法,颠覆以规则为基础的国际秩序和美国宪政秩序。而中共学者将法律超限战视为一种独立的作战形式。
#国际法 #吉尔·戈登齐尔 #中共 #法律超限战

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