Clinical Vampirism

6 years ago

Clinical Vampirism

when we think of Vampires we think of blood suckers,who suck the life force from you, the undead, A being with hypnotic powers with the ability to romance a person into wilfully being their victim. A being with extreme strength, a manipulator, a night stalker, creature of the night, unable to be out in daytime and sleeps in a coffin, or other uninviting and dark places. They usually have sharp piercing teeth and black, red, yellow, abnormal or normal eyes. Ability to read minds and the ability to move faster than the eye, A demon with a slow ageing process, with the ability to rejuvenate. They can come across as a normal human being but without the ability to cast a reflection. but there is always an element of creepiness about them. They can't enter a home without being invited first. This would be why they show themselves as human, so they can trick their way into a home.
But of course all imagination and none of it true.

So what about Vampirism

Music night of chaos and Lightless dawn by Kevin McLeod

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