sui generis living breathing sovereign humans = consciousness 71

1 day ago

satans ruling you human slaves don't cut down trees you human slaves do so why do you do it why do you believe that you need to earn & pay palm size papers called money to be alive ?

satans ruling you human slaves don't inflict indoctrination program called education on children you human slaves do so why do you do it why do you believe that you need to earn & pay palm size papers called money to be alive ?

satans ruling you human slaves don't run infant prisons called childcare centres you human slaves do so why do you do it why do you believe that you need to earn & pay palm size papers called money to be alive ?

satans ruling you human slaves don't leave your children at infant prisons called childcare centres you human slaves do so why do you do it why do you believe that you need to earn & pay palm size papers called money to be alive ?

satans ruling you human slaves don't run elderly prisons called aged care centres you human slaves do so why do you do it why do you believe that you need to earn & pay palm size papers called money to be alive ?

satans ruling you human slaves don't leave your parents at elderly prisons called aged care centres you human slaves do so why do you do it why do you believe that you need to earn & pay palm size papers called money to be alive ?

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